

Hide Fedora Website

The website is currently using the Laravel framework.


  1. Composer
  2. Laravel (This will be downloaded via Composer, no need to download this!)
  3. Apache, PHP, MySQL
  4. Google+ API key (Only need this is if you plan to work with report submission)


  1. Create a fork and then clone the repository: git clone git@github.com:Fogest/hidefedora-web.git
  2. To get all the required elements use composer: composer install (you may have to use composer.phar)
  3. Copy the .env.example file to a new file named .env: cp .env.example .env (linux)
  4. Customize the .env file. You only need to change the DB_ items, BASE_URL to website, and GOOGLE_PLUS_API_KEY (if using it)
  5. You now need to get the hidefedora database. To do this create a database named hidefedora. Once you have the database it is simple to get up to date with the schema. Just run php artisan migrate and you are set! Laravel handles getting all the tables in!
  6. You are now ready to code. Make whatever changes you'd like, commit the changes (git commit), then push those changes to your fork (git push). From here you can create a pull request on Github. I will then review your pull request and choose whether to accept it (likely will accept).

##Misc If you have any issues or questions don't be afraid to contact me or create an "Issue" and I will help you out!