

Crypto Knapsack

This Xcode playground lets you explore the Knapsack Problem - a famous optimization problem in computer science. It contains several optimization algorithms and also allows you to write your own - and watch it solve the problem in the UI.

Formally stated, the task is the following: given n items o_i that each have a size s_i and a profit p_i, find a subset of the items such that:

  1. the sum of profits sum p_i is maximized and
  2. the sum of sizes sum s_i ≤ S for some fixed boundary S

The Knapsack problem is NP-hard (which basically means that we don’t have an efficient algorithm that solves it), so it is unlikely that someone will find a deterministic and optimal polynomial-time algorithm.

But who says you can’t be the one? Give it a try!

(Side note: if you find such an algorithm, you will have proved that P=NP - one of the seven Millenium Prize Problems awarded $1 million for solving it).



More Background

Let’s say you’d like to invest in cryptocurrency. And let’s say you’d also like to mine some coins yourself. In order for you to be able to do so, you need to download the respective blockchain.

This could be a lot of data you have to put on your machine - the blockchain for Ethereum for example is about 350 GB large (as of March 2018).

So to maximize your profits, not only do you have to monitor which currency increases in value, but also decide which currency gives you the most profits compared to the storage needed.

This is an instance of the popular Knapsack optimization problem in computer science. Here, the items are the currencies, the sizes the blockchain sizes and the profits are the dollar value per coin. The boundary S is the storage you have available on your computer.


This project uses Swift 4 and is built for Xcode 9.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.