

My solutions to the 2019 edition of Advent Of Code.

Previous participations

Problems & Solutions


This project runs on Scala 2.13.1 and sbt 1.3.3.

Use the following template to write a solution:

package adventofcode.solutions

import adventofcode.Day

object Day01 extends Day(1) {

  override def solutionA = ???

  override def solutionB = ???


(change 1 to the current problem day and fill in the ???)

Then, to run your code start by entering the sbt shell:

$ sbt

And type the following command:

> day 1

The output will be printed to the console and stored to the corresponding files in output/.

Alternatively, since Day extends App, all singleton children can be run as regular applications.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License, please refer to the LICENSE file.