

Floobits plugin for Emacs

Real-time collaborative editing. Think Etherpad, but with native editors. This is the plugin for Emacs. We also have plugins for Sublime Text, Vim, and IntelliJ.

Development status: Reasonably stable. We've tested it on Emacs 24 and later. Earlier versions probably won't work. This plugin requires Python 2.7 or later.



If you have MELPA, simply M-x package-install <RET> floobits <RET>


If you have el-get, simply M-x el-get-install <RET> floobits <RET>. To keep everything up to date, you can add the following line to your ~/.emacs:

(el-get-update-all 1)

Manual installation

Initial set-up

  "auth": {
    "floobits.com": {
      "username": "your_username",
      "api_key": "your_api_key",
      "secret": "your_api_secret_not_your_password"


All commands are documented in apropos-command <RET> floobits

<ul> <li><code>M-x floobits-join-workspace &lt;RET&gt; https://floobits.com/owner/workspace/ &lt;RET&gt;</code> &nbsp; Join an existing floobits workspace.</li> <li><code>M-x floobits-share-dir-private &lt;RET&gt; DIR &lt;RET&gt;</code> &nbsp; Create a workspace and populate it with the contents of the directory, DIR (or make it).</li> <li><code>M-x floobits-share-dir-public &lt;RET&gt; DIR &lt;RET&gt;</code> &nbsp; Create a workspace and populate it with the contents of the directory, DIR (or make it).</li> <li><code>M-x floobits-leave-workspace &lt;RET&gt;</code> &nbsp; Leave the current workspace.</li> <li><code>M-x floobits-summon &lt;RET&gt;</code> &nbsp; Summon everyone in the workspace to your cursor position.</li> <li><code>M-x floobits-follow-mode-toggle &lt;RET&gt;</code> &nbsp; Toggle following of recent changes.</li> <li><code>M-x floobits-clear-highlights &lt;RET&gt;</code> &nbsp; Clears all mirrored highlights.</li> </ul>


If you have trouble setting up or using this plugin, please contact us.