

LÖVE Lua .INI Parser

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INI file format specification
Please note that the library only works with LÖVE


ini = require "ini" Requires the library.

Necessary API for using .ini files

ini.load( filePath ) Loads a .ini file and returns it as a table.

ini.save( Table, targetFile ) Saves a table using the .ini file format.

Extra API

The below functions are not necessary and can be easily replaced with simple table-editing. They should only be used to make the game logic more readable.

ini.readKey( iniTable, sectionName, keyName ) Returns a key value.

ini.addSection( iniTable, newSectionName ) Adds a new section, always returns 1.

ini.addKey( iniTable, sectionName, keyName, keyValue ) Adds a value to a key, always returns 1.

ini.sectionExists( iniTable, sectionName ) Checks if section exists, returns 1 if it exists or 0 if it does not.

ini.keyExists( iniTable, keyName ) Checks if key exists, returns 1 if it exists or 0 if it does not.

ini.deleteSection( iniTable, sectionName ) Removes a section, always returns 1.

ini.deleteKey( iniTable, sectionName, keyName ) Removes a key, always returns 1.

• Example of API usage

Load ini file to table and print one of its keys:
ini = require "ini" 
ini_file = ini.load("file.ini") 
if ini_file then 
	print(ini.readKey( ini_file, "owner", "name" )) 
Save table as an ini file:
ini = require "ini" 
ini_table = {
	scores = {
		player1 = 3982,
		player2 = 1312,
		player3 = 13,
		player4 = 1543,
	playerNames = {
		player1 = "Pete",
		player2 = "Billy",
		player3 = "Sam",
		player4 = "Eric"

if ini.save(ini_table, "inifile.ini") then

This library is licensed under CC0