


Codes for Towards Unified Surgical Skill Assessment (CVPR 2021).

Project Page



  1. Complete the access form of the JIGSAWS dataset and get the permission.
  2. Download our processed data for JIGSAWS from Baidu Yun (PIN:sa67) or Google Drive.
  3. Unzip the files by zip --fix data.zip --out data_full.zip && unzip data_full.zip.
  4. Put the data into the parent directory of the codes.
  5. The data includes following sub-directories:

video_encoded : Surgical videos after pre-processing.

label : Ground truth scores of surgical skills.

feature_resnet101 : ImageNet-pretrained ResNet features with ten-crop augmentation (Visual Path Input).

kinematics_GT_14_1 : Kinematic data of the robotic surgical instruments (Tool Path Input).

time_val_1 : The sequences indicating task completion time (Proxy Path Input).

gesture_prediction : Surgical event preditions from MS-TCN models (Event Path Input).

As for the clinical dataset used in the paper, it might be released later if approved.


Simply run python3 main.py --config some_config_file.json .

The config files for our full model under the JIGSAWS 4-fold cross-validation setting are provided in the configs folder.

Trained models and Tensorboard logs will be saved in the result folder.

Our trained models and logs are provided in the pre_result folder.


@inproceedings{liu2021towards, title={Towards Unified Surgical Skill Assessment}, author={Liu, Daochang and Li, Qiyue and Jiang, Tingting and Wang, Yizhou and Miao, Rulin and Shan, Fei and Li, Ziyu}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={9522--9531}, year={2021} }
