

Fibrous Aggregator Contract

This repository includes the contracts used to execute routes found by Fibrous API. You can visit testnet.fibrous.finance to see it in the work.

Warning Fibrous is in its early stages of development. Use the code at your own risk.

├── amm
│   ├── amm_1.cairo
│   └── amm_1_swapper.cairo
├── erc20_self_mintable.cairo
├── interfaces
│   ├── IOracle.cairo
│   ├── ISwapHandler.cairo
│   └── ISwapper.cairo
├── router.cairo
├── stark_rocks_mock.cairo
├── swap_handler.cairo
└── swappers
    ├── v1
    │   ├── jediswap_swapper.cairo
    │   ├── myswap_swapper.cairo
    │   ├── sithswap_swapper.cairo
    │   └── tenkswap_swapper.cairo
    └── v2
        ├── jediswap_swapper.cairo
        ├── myswap_swapper.cairo
        ├── sithswap_swapper.cairo
        └── tenkswap_swapper.cairo

contracts/router.cairo holds the Router contract that executes a given quote. <br> contracts/swap_handler.cairo executes a single quotes on a given protocol <br> contracts/amm holds the example AMM contracts we demonstrate our routing algorithm with <br> contracts/interfaces includes various interfaces used in the contracts <br> contracts/erc20_self_mintable.cairo is the faucet token we use in the application <br> contracts/swappers includes swapper contracts that implement ISwapper


Contributions are very welcome, but as this is a very early version of the code, breaking changes by our side is a possibility.