

<div align=center> <h1 align="center"> EoH: Evolution of Heuristics </h1> <h3 align="center"> A Platform of Evolutionary Computation (EC) + Large Language Model (LLM) for Efficient Automatic Algorithm Design </h3>

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A Platform for Evolutionary Computation + Large Language Model for automatic algorithm design.

<img src="./docs/figures/eoh.JPG" alt="eoh" width="600" height="280" div align=center>

News πŸ”₯

Introduction πŸ“–

Heuristics are indispensable for tackling complex search and optimization problems. However, manual heuristic design is tedious and demands significant human intuition and experience.

EOH introduces a novel paradigm that leverages the synergy between Large Language Models (LLMs) and Evolutionary Computation (EC) for Automatic Heuristic Design (AHD). The coevolution of thoughts and codes within an evolutionary framework offers superior AHD performance while mitigating computational expenses.

<img src="./docs/figures/framework.jpg" alt="eoh" width="500" height="auto" div align=center>

EOH designs very competetive algorithms/heuristics in minutes/hours. Notably, It surpasses FunSearch, identifying superior heuristics with significantly fewer computational budgets (i.e., queries to LLMs) on online bin packing problem.

The following Figure shows the Evolution of EOH on the online bin packing problem. We outline the key thoughts and the corresponding code snippets that have contributed to the best results during evolution. Additionally, we mark the prompt strategies that result in improvement. Finally, we present the optimal heuristic in the final population and compare it to the heuristics designed by humans and from FunSearch.

<img src="./docs/figures/evolution.jpg" alt="eoh" width="1000" height="auto">

If you find EoH helpful for your research or applied projects:

    title={Evolution of Heuristics: Towards Efficient Automatic Algorithm Design Using Large Language Model},
    author={Fei Liu, Xialiang Tong, Mingxuan Yuan, Xi Lin, Fu Luo, Zhenkun Wang, Zhichao Lu, Qingfu Zhang},
    booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},

If you are interested on LLM4Opt or EoH, you can:

  1. Contact us through email fliu36-c@my.cityu.edu.hk.
  2. Visit a collection of references and research papers on LLM4Opt
  3. Join our Group (coming soon)

If you encounter any difficulty using the code, you can contact us through the above or submit an issue


EoH Example Usage πŸ’»

Step 1: Install EoH

We suggest install and run EoH in conda env with python>=3.10

cd eoh

pip install .

Step 2: Try Example:

<span style="color: red;">Setup your Endpoint and Key for remote LLM or Setup your local LLM before start !</span>

For example, set the llm_api_endpoint to "api.deepseek.com", set llm_api_key to "your key", and set llm_model to "deepseek-chat".

from eoh import eoh
from eoh.utils.getParas import Paras

# Parameter initilization #
paras = Paras() 

# Set parameters #
paras.set_paras(method = "eoh",    # ['ael','eoh']
                problem = "bp_online", #['tsp_construct','bp_online']
                llm_api_endpoint = "xxx", # set your LLM endpoint
                llm_api_key = "xxx",   # set your LLM key
                llm_model = "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",
                ec_pop_size = 5, # number of samples in each population
                ec_n_pop = 5,  # number of populations
                exp_n_proc = 4,  # multi-core parallel
                exp_debug_mode = False)

# initilization
evolution = eoh.EVOL(paras)

# run 
Example 1: Constructive Algorithm for TSP
cd examples/tsp_construct

python runEoH.py


cd examples/tsp_construct/evaluation

copy your heuristic to heuristic.py (Note that the function name/input/output must align with the evaluation block!!)

python runEval.py
Example 2: Online Bin Packing

(<span style="color: red;">Generate new best heuristic and Beat Funsearch in 30 minutes on your personal computer !</span> i7-10700 2.9Ghz, 32 GB)

cd examples/bp_online

python runEoH.py


cd examples/bp_online/evaluation

copy your heuristic to heuristic.py (Note that the function name/input/output must align with the evaluation block!!)

python runEval.py
Example 3: Use EoH solve your local problem
cd examples/user_XXX

python runEoH.py

More Examples using EoH Platform (Code & Paper)

Combinatorial OptimizationOnline Bin Packing, greedy heuristic[paper]code
TSP, construct heuristic[paper]code
TSP, guided local search[paper]code
Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (FSSP), guided local search[paper]code
Machine LearningAttackpaper[code]
Bayesian OptimizationCost-aware Acquisition Function Designpapercode
MathematicsAdmissible sets
PhysicsComputational fluid dynamics

Use EoH in Your Application

A Step-by-step guide is provided in here (coming soon)


  1. Remote LLM + API (e.g., GPT3.5, Deepseek, Gemini Pro) (Recommended !):
  2. Local LLM Deployment + API (e.g., Llamacode, instruct Llama, gemma, deepseek, ...):
  3. Your Implementation:
    • If you want to use other LLM or if you want to use your own GPT API or local LLMs, please add your interface in ael/llm

Related Works on LLM4Opt

Welcome to visit a collection of references and research papers on LLM4Opt


<img src="https://github.com/RayZhhh.png" width="60" div align=center> Rui Zhang <img src="https://github.com/yzy1996.png" width="60" div align=center> Zhiyuan Yang <img src="https://github.com/pgg3.png" width="60" div align=center> Ping Guo
<img src="https://github.com/ShunyuYao6.png" width="60" div align=center> Shunyu Yao