

<p align="center"> <img align="center" src="src/public/Crochet_Banner.png"> </p> <h1 align="center">v0.1.6 Alpha</h1>

Crochet is a node-based dialogue editor forked from YarnEditor. It is designed to output Yarn files using Yarn Script (specifically the upcoming 2.0 specification), a narrative scripting language for writing interactive dialogue in games. Yarn Script has been used in games such as A Short Hike, Far From Noise, Knights and Bikes, and Night In The Woods. The Yarn language is designed to be simple and easy to understand, even if you don't have any programming experience. This makes it a great tool for both writers and programmers alike.

The 2.0 specification is currently in flux, which means that Crochet is also in flux and will remain in an alpha state until the specification is pinned down. You can read more about the new specification and keep up to date here and here.

<p align="center"> <img src="doc/Crochet_App_Image.png"> </p>

Desktop App

The latest release for Windows, Mac, & Linux can be found here.

Online App

Crochet can also be used online by visiting:<br> https://faultyfunctions.github.io/Crochet/





Yarn Implementations

An implementation or runtime is a library that allows your game engine to parse the files that Crochet creates. Some implementations for game engines are listed below:

If you are working on an implementation/runtime and you'd like to be added to this list just open an issue and I'll get it added!


This is just a rough idea of what I want to implement in the future. No dates provided, since I work sporadically.

Running From Source

Install Node.js, clone the repo, then:

Web App

$ npm install
$ npm start


$ cd electron
$ npm install
$ npm start

Building From Source

Install Node.js, clone the repo, then:

Web App

$ npm install
$ npm run build

Electron App

$ cd electron
$ npm install
$ npm run build-windows

You can also use npm run build-linux or npm run build-mac.