C# tool for UAC bypasses
SharpBypassUAC currently supports the eventvwr, fodhelper, computerdefaults, sdclt, slui, and DiskCleanup UAC bypasses.
SharpBypassUAC accepts a base64 encoded windows command to be executed in high integrity. The command is base64 encoded to be easily used in tools such as Covenant's "Assembly" task
-b, --bypass=VALUE Bypass to execute: eventvwr, fodhelper, computerdefaults, sdclt, slui
-e, --encodedCommand=VALUE Base64 encoded command to execute
Example usage for eventvwr bypass to launch calc.exe
SharpBypassUAC.exe -b eventvwr -e Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhl
Example usage for fodhelper bypass to launch calc.exe
SharpBypassUAC.exe -b fodhelper -e Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhl
Example usage for computerdefaults bypass to launch calc.exe
SharpBypassUAC.exe -b computerdefaults -e Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhl
Example usage for sdclt bypass to launch calc.exe
SharpBypassUAC.exe -b sdclt -e Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhl
- Note: this appears to only work on Windows 10 in my testing
Example usage for slui bypass to launch calc.exe
SharpBypassUAC.exe -b slui -e Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhl
Example usage for DiskCleanup bypass to launch calc.exe
SharpBypassUAC.exe -b dikcleanup -e Y21kIC9jIHN0YXJ0IGNhbGMuZXhlICYmIFJFTQ==
- Note: The command you execute will need to end in "&& REM"
Most of these bypasses rely on modifying registry keys in the HKCU hive, specifically keys under HKCU\Software\Classes. HKCU\Software\Classes\ should be monitored for any new keys or modification to existing keys. If this is too noisy in your environment, the specific keys used for each technique are listed below.
Registry modifications to:
- HKCU\Software\Classes\mscfile\Shell\Open\command
- Modifies the "(default)" value with the command to execute
Registry modifications to:
- HKCU\Software\Classes\ms-settings\Shell\Open\command
- Modifies the "(default)" value with the command to execute
- Modifies the "DelegateExecute" value with an empty value
Registry modifications to:
- HKCU\Software\Classes\ms-settings\Shell\Open\command
- Modifies the "(default)" value with the command to execute
- Modifies the "DelegateExecute" value with an empty value
Registry modifications to:
- HKCU\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\open\command
- Modifies the "(default)" value with the command to execute
- Modifies the "DelegateExecute" value with an empty value
Registry modifications to:
- HKCU\Software\Classes\exefile\Shell\Open\command
- Modifies the "(default)" value with the command to execute
Registry modifications to:
- HKCU\Environment
- Modifies the "windir" value with the command to execute
Starts the "\Microsoft\Windows\DiskCleanup\SilentCleanup" scheduled task. Example:
schtasks /Run /TN \Microsoft\Windows\DiskCleanup\SilentCleanup /I
eventvwr: enigma0x3's Invoke-EventVwrBypass.ps1 script
fodhelper and computerdefaults:'s FodhelperBypass.ps1 script
sdclt: Emeric Nasi's blog post
slui: bytecode77's slui file handler hijack tool
DiskCleanup: enigma0x3's Bypassing UAC on Windows 10 using Disk Cleanup blog post and gushmazuko's DiskCleanupBypass_direct.ps1 script
Many of these were discovered by going through the UACME project found on github.