


Neural Style Transfer

This repository is for [Neural Style Transfer Via Meta Networks]. The meta network takes in the style image and generated an image transformation network for neural style transfer. The fast generated model is only 449KB, which is able to real-time execute on a mobile device. For more details please refer and cite this paper

  author = {Falong Shen, Shuicheng Yan and Gang Zeng},
  title = {Neural Style Transfer Via Meta Networks},
  booktitle = {CVPR2018},
  year = {2018}
<div align=center> <img src="python/video.gif"/> </div>


This library is based on Caffe. CuDNN 7 and NCCL 1 are required. Please follow the installation instruction of Caffe.

Meta Network Architecture

<div align=center> <img src="python/network.png", width="500" height="300"/> </div>


The size of image transformation network for the following images is 7MB.

<div align=center> <img src="python/1.png", width="400" height="500"/> <img src="python//2.png", width="400" height="500"/> </div>

The size of image transformation network for the following images is 449KB.

<div align=center> <img src="python/4.png", width="400" height="300"/> </div>


Python code. Please execute the scripts in Python folder. Meta model is very huge while the generated model is very small.

Put these models into <font color=red>python/model/<font> and modify the model name in <font color=red>demo.py<font>.

Pytorch implementation
