

<div align="center" class="no-border"> <img src="/img/pluto-logo.png" alt="Pluto Logo"> <br> <h3>Find Kubernetes resources that have been deprecated</h3> <a href="https://github.com/FairwindsOps/pluto/releases"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/FairwindsOps/pluto"> </a> <a href="https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/FairwindsOps/pluto"> <img src="https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/FairwindsOps/pluto"> </a> <a href="https://circleci.com/gh/FairwindsOps/pluto.svg"> <img src="https://circleci.com/gh/FairwindsOps/pluto.svg?style=svg"> </a> <a href="https://insights.fairwinds.com/gh/FairwindsOps/pluto"> <img src="https://insights.fairwinds.com/v0/gh/FairwindsOps/pluto/badge.svg"> </a> </div>

Pluto is a utility to help users find deprecated Kubernetes apiVersions in their code repositories and their helm releases.


Check out the documentation at docs.fairwinds.com


Kubernetes sometimes deprecates apiVersions. Most notably, a large number of deprecations happened in the 1.16 release. This is fine, and it's a fairly easy thing to deal with. However, it can be difficult to find all the places where you might have used a version that will be deprecated in your next upgrade.

You might think, "I'll just ask the api-server to tell me!", but this is fraught with danger. If you ask the api-server to give you deployments.v1.apps, and the deployment was deployed as deployments.v1beta1.extensions, the api-server will quite happily convert the api version and return a manifest with apps/v1. This is fairly well outlined in the discussion in this issue.

So, long story short, finding the places where you have deployed a deprecated apiVersion can be challenging. This is where pluto comes in. You can use pluto to check a couple different places where you might have placed a deprecated version:

Kubernetes Deprecation Policy

You can read the full policy here

Long story short, apiVersions get deprecated, and then they eventually get removed entirely. Pluto differentiates between these two, and will tell you if a version is DEPRECATED or REMOVED

GitHub Action Usage

Want to use pluto within your GitHub workflows?

- name: Download Pluto
  uses: FairwindsOps/pluto/github-action@master

- name: Use pluto
  run: |
    pluto detect-files -d pkg/finder/testdata
<!-- Begin boilerplate -->

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Fairwinds Insights

If you're interested in running Pluto in multiple clusters, tracking the results over time, integrating with Slack, Datadog, and Jira, or unlocking other functionality, check out Fairwinds Insights, a platform for auditing and enforcing policy in Kubernetes clusters.

<a href="https://fairwinds.com/pricing"> <img src="https://www.fairwinds.com/hubfs/Doc_Banners/Fairwinds_Pluto_Ad.png" alt="Fairwinds Insights" /> </a>