Docker infrastructure for Lumen
Microservice Lumen is a starting skeleton based on Docker and Lumen Framework. This project helps to develop and maintain a simple and clean infrastructure for the management / creation of php microservices. In just a few steps, the developer starts the development / staging / production environment as needed. Basically, the Nginx containers are available for the webserver, the backend container in PHP 7.4 for the application, both based on Linux alpine. Include MySQL container by default. The Dockefile (in the docker folder) is already set up to create the production image of the application, we recommend modifying it only to add dependencies or configurations.
Develop env
The first time the setup is run some data will be asked as input (app name, larvel version, and others), this will generate an env.conf file and a .env file (which is the exact copy), the former you will have to version the latter will be excluded. Also, the laravel/lumen source code will be downloaded, it too will need to be versioned. In case your project has already been initialized, whoever is going to download it will still have to perform both the first step indicated in 'setup and run'.
OS: linux
Packages: make
Docker version: >= 18.09.6
docker-compose version: >= 1.28.0
make setup
[not required] Set .env db connection into lumen/ dir:
make build && make up
Make commands
down: down containers
up: up -d containers
exec: enter in app container
exec_mysql: enter in mysql container
ssh_root: connection ssh (as root) to server
ssh: connection ssh (as www-data) to server
deploy: rebuild containers (down, build and up)
image_build: build immagine
image_push: publish image
image_push: run image
Manual push into docker hub registry
Nginx: 1.22
PHP: 8.2-fpm-alpine
MySQL: 8.0
Lumen Framework: delfault master (or specific version)
Mantained by
- Fabrizio Cafolla <a href="" target="_blank"><img align="right" src="" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: 30px !important; width: 150px !important" ></a>
This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license