

Ember Keyboard Service

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The keyboard service helps you let your app respond to keyboard input.

You can either do this declaratively with a DSL mixin, or use the lower level service, that gives you more control.


I'd recommend using ember-keyboard


ember install ember-keyboard-service

Specifying keyboard combos

You can specify normal key characters by using the literal value. Examples: 'a', '$', ' '.

You can add modifier keys using 'ctrl', 'alt', 'shift' or 'meta'. 'cmd' is an alias for 'meta', 'option' is an alias for 'alt'.

An example of a combo with modifiers: 'ctrl+v'.

There is also a special modifier: 'nctrl', on OS X this modifier is an alias for 'cmd', on any other system it is just 'ctrl'.

DSL Mixin Usage

Use it do declare shortcuts in a simple manner.

import KeyboardMixin from 'ember-keyboard-service/mixins/keyboard';

Ember.Object.extend(KeyboardMixin, {
  keyboardHandlers: [
    { key: 'ctrl+x', handler: 'cut'   }
    { key: 'ctrl+c', handler: 'copy'  }
    { key: 'ctrl+v', handler: 'paste' }

  cut() {
    console.log("every day i'm cuttin");

  copy() {
    console.log("every day i'm copyin");

  paste() {
    console.log("every day i'm pastin");

You can also specify static arguments for keyboard handlers:

Ember.Object.extend(KeyboardMixin, {
  keyboardHandlers: [
    { key: 'ctrl+g', handler: 'goto', arguments: [42] }

  goto(e, line) {
    console.log(`going to line ${line}`);

You can choose to bind multiple key shortcuts to the same handler:

keyboardHandlers: [
  { key: ['a', 'b'], handler: 'doStuff' }

You can use some of the Ember run loop features:

keyboardHandlers: [
  // debounces key handlers by 30ms
  { key: 'a', handler: 'debouncedHandler', debounce: 30 },

  // throttles key handlers by 30ms
  { key: 'b', handler: 'throttledHandler', throttle: 30 },

  // only calls the handler once every run loop
  { key: 'c', handler: 'scheduleOnceHandler', scheduleOnce: true }

For more usage examples you can check out the tests

Service Usage

Use Ember.inject.service to inject the service onto your Ember object.

  keyboard: service()

Then use listenFor to start listening for keyboard events: (The key names are equal to those used for KeyboardEvent.key.)

this.get('keyboard').listenFor('x', this, eventHandler);

You can alternatively pass a function name instead of an eventHandler:

this.get('keyboard').listenFor('x', this, 'xEventHandler');

You can optionally specify modifier keys:

// possible modifiers are: ctrl, cmd, alt, shift
this.get('keyboard').listenFor('ctrl+alt+Delete', this, eventHandler);

You can listen for a key stroke once:

this.get('keyboard').listenForOnce('x', this, eventHandler);

You can stop listening for key strokes, you must supply the exact same arguments as you did to listenFor.

this.get('keyboard').stopListeningFor('x', this, eventHandler);

The service will not handle the event if the even target was an input or similar element. To override this you can do:

this.get('keyboard').listenFor('x', this, eventHandler, {
  actOnInputElement: true

For more usage examples you can check out the tests