



Plugin.Maui.AppRating gives developers a fast and easy way to ask users to rate the app on the stores.

Platforms supported

.Net MAUI AndroidAPI 21+
.Net MAUI iOSiOS 11.0+
Mac Catalyst14.0+


Plugin.Maui.AppRating is available via NuGet, grab the latest package and install it in your solution:

Install-Package Plugin.Maui.AppRating

In your MauiProgram class add the following using statement:

using Plugin.Maui.AppRating;

Finally, add the default instance of the plugin as a singleton to inject it in your code late:


Version 1.2.0

New Features

:warning: Considerations regarding new platform policies :warning:



API Usage

Call the injected interface in any page or viewmodel to gain access to the APIs.

There are two main methods in the plugin: PerformInAppRateAsync and PerformRatingOnStoreAsync.


/// <summary>
/// Perform rating without leaving the app.
/// </summary>
Task PerformInAppRateAsync(bool isTestOrDebugMode = false);

This method will open an in-app review dialogue, using the packageName declared on the AndroidManifest file.

/// <summary>
/// Perform rating on the current OS store app or open the store page on the browser.
/// </summary>
Task PerformRatingOnStoreAsync();

This method will open the Google Play app on the store page of your current application. Otherwise, it will try to open the store page on the browser.

If neither the store page nor the browser store page works, it will display an alert announcing the error.

packageName must be provided as a named argument to open the store page on the store app or browser.


await _appRating.PerformRatingOnStoreAsync(packageName: "com.instagram.android");

iOS | Mac Catalyst

/// <summary>
/// Perform rating without leaving the app.
/// </summary>
Task PerformInAppRateAsync();

if the device current OS version is 10.3+ in iOS, or 14.0+ in Mac Catalyst, this method will raise an in-app review popup of your current application, otherwise, it will display an alert announcing that it's not supported.

/// <summary>
/// Perform rating on the current OS store app or open the store page on the browser.
/// </summary>
Task PerformRatingOnStoreAsync();

This method will open the App Store app on the store page of your current application. Otherwise, it will try to open the store page on the browser.

If the method fails, it will display an alert announcing the error.

applicationId property is the StoreId of your application and it must be provided as a named argument to open the store page on the store app or browser.


await _appRating.PerformRatingOnStoreAsync(applicationId: "id389801252");


/// <summary>
/// Perform rating without leaving the app.
/// </summary>
Task PerformInAppRateAsync();

This method will raise an in-app review dialog of your current application, otherwise, it will display an alert announcing that it's not supported.

/// <summary>
/// Perform rating on the current OS store app or open the store page on the browser.
/// </summary>
Task PerformRatingOnStoreAsync();

This method will open the Microsoft Store application on the store page of your current application. Otherwise, it will try to open the store page on the browser.

If this method fails, it will display an alert announcing the error.

productId property is the ProductId of your application and it must be provided as a named argument to open the store page on the store app or browser.


await _appRating.PerformRatingOnStoreAsync(productId: "9nblggh5l9xt");


:warning: Warning - You should be careful about how and when you ask users to rate your app, there may be penalties from stores. As for advice, I recommend using a counter on the app start and storage that count, then when the counter reaches a specific number, display a dialogue asking the users if they want to rate the app, if they decline the offer, reset the counter to ask them later, also leave the option to do it themselves.

public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
    private readonly IAppRating _appRating;

    // We are using the Instagram application as an example here
    private const string androidPackageName = "com.instagram.android";
    private const string iOSApplicationId = "id389801252";
    private const string windowsProductId = "9nblggh5l9xt";

    public MainPage(IAppRating appRating)

        _appRating = appRating;

        if (!Preferences.Get("application_rated", false))
            Task.Run(() => CheckAppCountAndRate());

    private async Task CheckAppCountAndRate()
        if (Preferences.Get("application_counter",0) >= 5)
            if (!await DisplayAlert("Rate this App!", "Are you enjoying the so far? Would you like to leave a review in the store?", "Yes", "No"))
                Preferences.Set("application_counter", 0);


            await RateApplicationInApp();

    private Task RateApplicationInApp()
        Dispatcher.Dispatch(async () =>
# if DEBUG
            await _appRating.PerformInAppRateAsync(true);
            await _appRating.PerformInAppRateAsync();

        Preferences.Set("application_rated", true);

        return Task.CompletedTask;

    private Task RateApplicationOnStore()
        Dispatcher.Dispatch(async () =>
            await _appRating.PerformRatingOnStoreAsync(packageName: androidPackageName, applicationId: iOSApplicationId, productId: windowsProductId);

        Preferences.Set("application_rated", true);

        return Task.CompletedTask;

    private void InAppRating_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void AppRateOnStore_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Preferences.Get("application_rated", false))


Take a look at the AppRatingSample for a fully detailed implementation of this plugin.


Please, feel free to open an Issue if you find any bugs or submit a PR.


Plugin.Maui.AppRating is licensed under MIT.