Apollo 11 lunar lander simulator (Ada/Gtk/Cairo)
To learn more about this simulator: "The Eagle has landed".
For this project you will need GNAT and GTKAda. You can find GPL versions at, in the download section. See the respective documentations for installation.
To build, open the project file lunar_lander.gpr in GPS and click on the "Build All" button, or run "gprbuild" in the root directory.
The path to GTKAda in the lunar_lander.gpr is set to the default installation path on Windows, you may have to change it for your installation (especially on Linux).
- Up : Increase DPS throttle
- Down : Decrease DPS throttle
- Right : Decrease RCS throttle (turn clockwise)
- Left : Increase RCS throttle (turn counterclockwise)
- Space : Pause simulation
- Page Up: Zoom in
- Page Down: Zoom out
On screen:
- DPS Throttle slider (Middle slider to the left of the screen)
- RCS Throttle sliders (Left and right sliders to the left of the screen)
- Pause button (Bottom-Left): Start/Stop the simulation
- Timeline slider (Bottom): When the simulation is paused you can drag the cursor to go back in time (and maybe fix one or two mistakes...)
- Reset button (Top-Left): Restart the simulation at High-Gate (position, speed, attitude, fuel)
- Help button (Top-Left): Enable or disable the help features