

混菜寫楷 Mixed VsWeKai

混菜寫楷,只是把霞鶩文楷霞鶩文楷TC芫荽混一起,都是用Klee One改的,我一直喜歡芫荽,不過它沒有簡體,切換字體很麻煩,所以我把他們混和

Mixed VsWeKai, just mix LXGW WenKai, LXGW WenKai TC, and iansui, all changed with Klee One, I have always liked iansui, but it does not have simplified characters, it is troublesome to switch fonts, so I mixed them


Later I got to know Fusion Kai, but there are still differences, there are more characters


After version 1.2, TC, JP, LXGW, OTC, SC, HK versions are available, currently only TC, other versions will be made when time is available


The LXGW version is directly made of Xiaqu Wenkai for variable effects, without stitching


At the beginning, I was curious about making variable fonts and wanted to see the magical effect. In fact, there are few software that can use variable fonts, and it is easy to use on the Internet.


My technique of making fonts is very poor, and it is not bad to make variable fonts. The revision needs to be done again, and the production time is 3 hours. The variable has layers, and the more the slower, it is very troublesome. The font export time is 3~5 hours, a free day


Version 1.2 is the last version, I don't accept any suggestions, I don't want to modify it, it's very troublesome


The variable font file is very large and has many characters, which cannot be resolved

內容差別 Content Difference


Just mixed up some fonts, with Coriander as the Iansui


There are 6 characters, some are not easy to use


I made a variation, hoping to try it out, but it sucks to use

使用字體效果 Use Font Effects

原來的字體 Original Font


Klee One有在Google Fonts在上架,公司是Fontworks,授權是SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1,可以放心在商業使用 Klee One is listed on Google Fonts, the company is Fontworks, and the authorization is SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1, which can be used commercially with confidence

開源字體授權規定 Open Source Font Licensing Regulations

This font is based on SIL Open Font License 1.1, which is an open source font modified by Klee One.

Anyone can use this font for free, including commercial use. No need to inform the original author.

You can freely transmit and share this font, or bundle it with other software for distribution and sales. The authorization file (OFL.txt) must also be included in the bundle.

You are free to modify, derive and publish this font. Modified fonts must also be published as SIL OFL and do not use reserved names for fonts.

According to the regulations of SIL OFL, it is forbidden to sell font files (ttf/otf) separately, which means do not steal and sell fonts, do not lie greedy for money, and respect font companies and A person who corrects words.