

Intro to Binary Analysis with Z3 and angr

Originally delivered by Sam Brown at Steelcon and hack.lu 2018, this was a three hour workshop introducing attendees to using Z3 and angr for binary analysis. The workshop provided an introduction to SMT solvers, the Z3 SMT solver and its python library and the angr binary analysis framework.

Through out the workshop exercises were provided which aimed to demonstrate potential applications of the technology to assist security researchers in carrying out reverse engineering and vulnerability research.

The slides provide a rough guide for the content and what order to try the exercises in.

Examples and Exercises


N QueensExample'How can N queens be placed on an NxN chessboard so that no two of them attack each other?' Uses Z3 to generate solutions for an N * N chessboard
Hackvent 15ExampleSolution and walk through for solving a Hackvent 15 CTF challenge with Z3
SudokuExerciseTry to solve Sudoku using Z3
RNGExerciseOptional exercises - using Z3 to find non-cryptographically secure random number generators seed value
x8650/50Half examples, half DIY - implement simiplified versions of x86 instructions using Z3
Opaque PredicatesExerciseUse the instructions implemented previously to identify Opaque Predicates in small sequences of assembly instructions
Equivalence CheckingExampleUse the instructions implemented previously to identify equivalent sequences of instructions


opaque_predicatesExampleUsing angr to identify opaque predicates with much less work :)
IOCTLsExampleIdentify Windows driver IOCTL codes using angr
Hello World50/50Exercise and walkthrough on using angr to generate valid arguments for a simple 'License Key Validator'
Bomb LabExerciseDIY exercise using angr to solve a 'Bomb lab'


All code is in Python3 and you should only need to install the angr binary analysis framework.

mkvirtualenv --python=$(which python3) angr && python -m pip install angr
workon angr