

<img src="docs/images/logo.svg" alt="drawing" width="250px"/>

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Model Validation Tookit


Run pip install mvtk.

Windows users: Until Jaxlib is supported on windows natively you will need to either use this library from a Linux subsystem or within a Docker container. Alternatively, you can build jaxlib from source.


Check out this repository and cd into the directory.

Run pip install -e ".[doc]".

The [doc] is used to install dependencies for building documentation. You will need pandoc installed.


You can import:


You can run make -C docs html on a Mac or make.bat -C docs html on a PC to just rebuild the docs. In this case, point your browser to docs/_build/html/index.html to view the homepage. If your browser was already pointing to documentation that you changed, you can refresh the page to see the changes.