

Andino's image

Andino's image

<a href="https://andinogonthaeler.wordpress.com/">Andino's Hangar</a>

Andino's webpage info:

I have been doing little changes to the A340-600HGW:

Forum post:

I have begun to work in a new version of the A340-600. What I would like to do is:

I have chosen the name A340-600HGW, because it is an actual version of the 340, which was developed by Airbus, although not many units where done. It had new engines, more efficient, and that will haver this FG model too. I hope not to collide with other efforts, and to have a download soon.

Postscript: how to use the autopilot

It might seem difficult, but it is not. It works so:

That is all !!!