

Occupancy Dataset for nuScenes

Camera-based detection has recently made a huge breakthrough, and researchers are ready for the next harder challenge: occupancy predicton.

Occupancy is not a new topic, and there have been some related studies before (MonoScene, SemanticKitti). However, the existing occupancy datasets still have shortcomings. There is a huge gap between the sparse occupancy annotations generated by limited point clouds and the image modality. In order to promote the learning about occupancy, we take a small step forward.

In this project, we use the nuScenes dataset as the base, and for each frame, we align the point cloud of the front and rear long-term windows to the current timestamp. Based on this dense point cloud, we can generate high-quality occupancy annotations. It is worth mentioning we perform independent alignment for dynamic objects and static objects.


<img src="./assets/8nkt6-f4koq.gif" width="696px"> <img src="./assets/details.png" width="696px">

The occupancy label no longer uses simple bounding boxes to represent objects, and each object has an occupancy label corresponding to its real shape.


<img src="./assets/prediction.gif" width="696px">


  1. Create conda environment with python version 3.8

  2. Install pytorch and torchvision with versions specified in requirements.txt

  3. Follow instructions in https://mmdetection3d.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html#installation to install mmcv-full, mmdet, mmsegmentation and mmdet3d with versions specified in requirements.txt

  4. Install timm, numba and pyyaml with versions specified in requirements.txt


  1. Download pretrain weights from https://github.com/zhiqi-li/storage/releases/download/v1.0/r101_dcn_fcos3d_pretrain.pth and put it in ckpts/

  2. Create soft link from data/nuscenes to your_nuscenes_path

  3. Follow the mmdet3d to process the data.

  4. Generate occupancy data

python data_converter.py --dataroot ./project/data/nuscenes/ --save_path ./project/data/nuscenes/occupancy/ 


cd project
bash launcher.sh config/occupancy.py out/occupancy 


checkpoints download from here

cd project
python eval.py --py-config config/occupancy.py --ckpt-path ckpts/occupancyNet.pth


python utils/vis_pts.py --pts-path $LIDARPATH


We designed a naive occupancy prediction model based on BEVFormer as the baseline.

Similar to BEVFormer, Occupancy-BEVFormer network has 3 encoder layers, each of which follows the conventional structure of transformers, except for three tailored designs, namely BEV queries, spatial cross-attention, and self-attention. Specifically, BEV queries are grid-shaped learnable parameters, which is designed to query features in BEV space from multi-camera views via attention mechanisms. Spatial cross-attention and self-attention are attention layers working with BEV queries, which are used to lookup and aggregate spatial features from multi-camera images, according to the BEV query. Since the BEVfeature is two-dimensional, an embedding in the z-axis direction is added to turn it into a three-dimensional space feature, and then a convolutional neural network is used to generate the semantics of each position in the three-dimensional space.

Evaluation Metrics


Let $C$ be he number of classes.

$$ mIoU=\frac{1}{C}\displaystyle \sum_{c=1}^{C}\frac{TP_c}{TP_c+FP_c+FN_c}, $$

where $TP_c$ , $FP_c$ , and $FN_c$ correspond to the number of true positive, false positive, and false negative predictions for class $c_i$.

Results in val set


Results in mini-val set


clik here download mini occupancy dataset for nuscenes v1.0-mini


BaiduYun The full dataset is coming soon.


Many thanks to these excellent open source projects:

Most thanks to nuscenes dataset: