

Resource API

A framework to:

Check documentation for more detailed information.

Code style

Run pep8 and pyflakes in src directory

Version policy

Semantic version

Changelog format


    [Author Name <author@email>]
        * CHANGE_TYPE=MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH: change description


12.11.3 2014-01-12

    [John Smith <john.smith@example.com>]
        * PATCH: refactored the modules
        * MINOR: added a new class
        * MAJOR: removed deprecated function


Release steps

  1. Switch to dev
  2. Make sure that pep8 & pyflakes checks and tests pass
  3. Increment the version in CHANGES file according to the types of changes made since the latest release. Add timestamp to indicate when the version was released.
  4. Commit the changes
  5. Switch to master
  6. Merge dev into master
  7. Execute git tag VERSION -m VERSION
  8. Push dev & master branches to upstream
  9. Push tags to upstream

Pull requests

Always create your own feature branches from the dev branch. Not from master one.

  1. Make sure that all commits have descriptive messages and are up to the point
  2. pep8 and pyflakes checks are supposed to pass
  3. All tests are supposed to pass
  4. If it is a new feature - make sure that new tests are created and they pass
  5. Add a new set of bullet points to the latest changelog entry according to the specified format
  6. Create a pull request against the dev branch



The core part of the project development work was done within the Digile’s Data to Intelligence program http://www.datatointelligence.fi/ and supported by Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation.