

Deprecated Repository

The VRTK.Prefabs repo has been deprecated and will no longer receive any future updates. The Tilia repos are now recommended to be used in place of the VRTK.Prefabs repo. A complete list of the Tilia repos can be found at https://www.vrtk.io/tilia.html along with installation instructions. Some of the prefabs found in the VRTK.Prefabs repo may not exist at Tilia repos at this time, but they are being worked on in due course and will be supported moving forward.

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VRTK Prefabs deprecated

A collection of productive prefabs for rapidly building spatial computing solutions in the Unity software.

Release License Backlog Documentation

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The VRTK Prefabs aim to make building spatial computing solutions in the Unity software fast and easy for beginners as well as experienced developers.

Requires the Unity software version 2018.3.10f1 (or above).

Getting Started

Setting up the project

Note: Unity 2019.1 (or above) requires additional project setup before importing the VRTK Prefabs.

Adding the package to the Unity project manifest

Updating to the latest version

The package will show up in the Unity Package Manager UI once the above steps have been carried out. From then on the package can be updated by selecting the package in the Unity Package Manager and clicking on the Update button or using the version selection UI.


Visit the Academy for a collection of educational content to help you get the most out of building spatial computing solutions with the VRTK Prefabs.


Please refer to the Extend Reality Contributing guidelines and the Unity project coding conventions.

Code of Conduct

Please refer to the Extend Reality Code of Conduct.


Code released under the MIT License.


These materials are not sponsored by or affiliated with Unity Technologies or its affiliates. "Unity" is a trademark or registered trademark of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere.