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Warning: This project is still in an early stage it could be that the API will change in the future. Further, functionality is still quite limited to the use cases which defined the creation of the project (application to DNA sequences present in Biology).


Ever wanted to run a kernel-based model from scikit-learn on a relatively large dataset? If so you will have noticed, that this can take extraordinarily long and require huge amounts of memory, especially if you are using compositions of kernels (such as for example k1 * k2 + k3). This is due to the way Kernels are computed in scikit-learn: For each kernel, the complete kernel matrix is computed, and the compositions are then computed from the kernel matrices. Further, scikit-learn does not rely on an automatic differentiation framework for the computation of gradients though kernel operations.


sklearn-jax-kernels was designed to circumvent these issues:

The goal of sklearn-jax-kernels is to provide the same flexibility and ease of use as known from scikit-learn kernels while improving speed and allowing the faster design of new kernels through Automatic Differentiation.

The kernels in this package follow the scikit-learn kernel API.


sklearn-jax-kernels can simply be installed via pip:

pip install sklearn-jax-kernels


A short demonstration of how the kernels can be used, inspired by the scikit-learn documentation.

from sklearn import datasets
import jax.numpy as jnp
from sklearn_jax_kernels import RBF, GaussianProcessClassifier

iris = datasets.load_iris()
X = jnp.asarray(iris.data)
y = jnp.array(iris.target, dtype=int)

kernel = 1. + RBF(length_scale=1.0)
gpc = GaussianProcessClassifier(kernel=kernel).fit(X, y)

Here a further example demonstrating how kernels can be combined:

from sklearn_jax_kernels.base_kernels import RBF, NormalizedKernel
from sklearn_jax_kernels.structured.strings import SpectrumKernel

my_kernel = RBF(1.) * SpectrumKernel(n_gram_length=3)
my_kernel_2 = RBF(1.) + RBF(2.)
my_kernel_2 = NormalizedKernel(my_kernel_2)

Some further inspiration can be taken from the tests in the subfolder tests.

Implemented Kernels