

OfficeIMO - Microsoft Word .NET Library

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What it's all about

This is a small project (under development) that allows to create Microsoft Word documents (.docx) using .NET. Underneath it uses OpenXML SDK but heavily simplifies it. It was created because working with OpenXML is way too hard for me, and time consuming. I created it for use within the PowerShell module called PSWriteOffice, but thought it may be useful for others to use in the .NET community.

If you want to see what it can do take a look at this blog post.

I used to use the DocX library (which I co-authored/maintained before it was taken over by Xceed) to create Microsoft Word documents, but it only supports .NET Framework, and their newest community license makes the project unusable.

As I am not really a developer, and I hardly know what I'm doing if you know how to help out - please do.

I hope you get the drift? If it's bad - open an issue/fix it! I don't know what I'm doing! The main thing is - it has to work with .NET Framework 4.7.2, .NET Standard 2.0 and so on.

This project is under development and as such there's a lot of things that can and will change, especially if some people help out.

PlatformStatusCode Coverage.NET
Windows<a href="https://dev.azure.com/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/_build?definitionId=19"><img src="https://img.shields.io/azure-devops/tests/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/19/master?compact_message&label=Tests%20Windows"></a><a href="https://dev.azure.com/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/_build?definitionId=19&view=ms.vss-pipelineanalytics-web.new-build-definition-pipeline-analytics-view-cardmetrics"><img src="https://img.shields.io/azure-devops/coverage/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/19"></a>.NET 4.7.2, NET 4.8, .NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, .NET 8.0, .NET Standard 2.0, .NET Standard 2.1
Linux<a href="https://dev.azure.com/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/_build?definitionId=22"><img src="https://img.shields.io/azure-devops/tests/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/22/master?compact_message&label=Tests%20Linux"></a><a href="https://dev.azure.com/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/_build?definitionId=22&view=ms.vss-pipelineanalytics-web.new-build-definition-pipeline-analytics-view-cardmetrics"><img src="https://img.shields.io/azure-devops/coverage/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/22"></a>.NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, .NET Standard 2.0, .NET 8.0, .NET Standard 2.1
MacOs<a href="https://dev.azure.com/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/_build?definitionId=23"><img src="https://img.shields.io/azure-devops/tests/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/23/master?compact_message&label=Tests%20MacOs"></a><a href="https://dev.azure.com/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/_build?definitionId=23&view=ms.vss-pipelineanalytics-web.new-build-definition-pipeline-analytics-view-cardmetrics"><img src="https://img.shields.io/azure-devops/coverage/evotecpl/OfficeIMO/23"></a>.NET 6.0, .NET 7.0, .NET Standard 2.0, .NET 8.0, .NET Standard 2.1

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Here's a list of features currently supported (and probably a lot I forgot) and those that are planned. It's not a closed list, more of TODO, and I'm sure there's more:

Features (oneliners):

This list of features is for times when you want to quickly fix something rather than playing with full features. This features are available as part of WordHelpers class.


Basic Document with few document properties and paragraph

This short example show how to create Word Document with just one paragraph with Text and few document properties.

string filePath = @"C:\Support\GitHub\PSWriteOffice\Examples\Documents\BasicDocument.docx";

using (WordDocument document = WordDocument.Create(filePath)) {
    document.Title = "This is my title";
    document.Creator = "Przemysław Kłys";
    document.Keywords = "word, docx, test";

    var paragraph = document.AddParagraph("Basic paragraph");
    paragraph.ParagraphAlignment = JustificationValues.Center;
    paragraph.Color = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Color.Red;


Basic Document with Headers/Footers (first, odd, even)

This short example shows how to add headers and footers to Word Document.

using (WordDocument document = WordDocument.Create(filePath)) {
    document.Sections[0].PageOrientation = PageOrientationValues.Landscape;
    document.AddParagraph("Test Section0");
    document.DifferentFirstPage = true;
    document.DifferentOddAndEvenPages = true;

    document.Sections[0].Header.First.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 0 - First Header");
    document.Sections[0].Header.Default.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 0 - Header");
    document.Sections[0].Header.Even.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 0 - Even");


    var section1 = document.AddSection();
    section1.PageOrientation = PageOrientationValues.Portrait;
    section1.AddParagraph("Test Section1");
    section1.Header.Default.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 1 - Header");
    section1.DifferentFirstPage = true;
    section1.Header.First.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 1 - First Header");


    var section2 = document.AddSection();
    section2.AddParagraph("Test Section2");
    section2.PageOrientation = PageOrientationValues.Landscape;
    section2.Header.Default.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 2 - Header");

    document.AddParagraph("Test Section2 - Paragraph 1");

    var section3 = document.AddSection();
    section3.AddParagraph("Test Section3");
    section3.Header.Default.AddParagraph().SetText("Test Section 3 - Header");

    Console.WriteLine("Section 0 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[0].Paragraphs[0].Text);
    Console.WriteLine("Section 1 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[1].Paragraphs[0].Text);
    Console.WriteLine("Section 2 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[2].Paragraphs[0].Text);
    Console.WriteLine("Section 2 - Text 1: " + document.Sections[2].Paragraphs[1].Text);
    Console.WriteLine("Section 3 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[3].Paragraphs[0].Text);

    Console.WriteLine("Section 0 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[0].Header.Default.Paragraphs[0].Text);
    Console.WriteLine("Section 1 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[1].Header.Default.Paragraphs[0].Text);
    Console.WriteLine("Section 2 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[2].Header.Default.Paragraphs[0].Text);
    Console.WriteLine("Section 3 - Text 0: " + document.Sections[3].Header.Default.Paragraphs[0].Text);

Advanced usage of OfficeIMO

This short example shows multiple features of OfficeIMO.Word

string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(folderPath, "AdvancedDocument.docx");
using (WordDocument document = WordDocument.Create(filePath)) {
    // lets add some properties to the document
    document.BuiltinDocumentProperties.Title = "Cover Page Templates";
    document.BuiltinDocumentProperties.Subject = "How to use Cover Pages with TOC";
    document.ApplicationProperties.Company = "Evotec Services";

    // we force document to update fields on open, this will be used by TOC
    document.Settings.UpdateFieldsOnOpen = true;

    // lets add one of multiple added Cover Pages

    // lets add Table of Content (1 of 2)

    // lets add page break

    // lets create a list that will be binded to TOC
    var wordListToc = document.AddTableOfContentList(WordListStyle.Headings111);

    wordListToc.AddItem("How to add a table to document?");

    document.AddParagraph("In the first paragraph I would like to show you how to add a table to the document using one of the 105 built-in styles:");

    // adding a table and modifying content
    var table = document.AddTable(5, 4, WordTableStyle.GridTable5DarkAccent5);
    table.Rows[3].Cells[2].Paragraphs[0].Text = "Adding text to cell";
    table.Rows[3].Cells[2].Paragraphs[0].Color = Color.Blue; ;
    table.Rows[3].Cells[3].Paragraphs[0].Text = "Different cell";

    document.AddParagraph("As you can see adding a table with some style, and adding content to it ").SetBold().SetUnderline(UnderlineValues.Dotted).AddText("is not really complicated").SetColor(Color.OrangeRed);

    wordListToc.AddItem("How to add a list to document?");

    var paragraph = document.AddParagraph("Adding lists is similar to ading a table. Just define a list and add list items to it. ").SetText("Remember that you can add anything between list items! ");
    paragraph.SetColor(Color.Blue).SetText("For example TOC List is just another list, but defining a specific style.");

    var list = document.AddList(WordListStyle.Bulleted);
    list.AddItem("First element of list", 0);
    list.AddItem("Second element of list", 1);

    var paragraphWithHyperlink = document.AddHyperLink("Go to Evotec Blogs", new Uri("https://evotec.xyz"), true, "URL with tooltip");
    // you can also change the hyperlink text, uri later on using properties
    paragraphWithHyperlink.Hyperlink.Uri = new Uri("https://evotec.xyz/hub");
    paragraphWithHyperlink.ParagraphAlignment = JustificationValues.Center;

    list.AddItem("3rd element of list, but added after hyperlink", 0);
    list.AddItem("4th element with hyperlink ").AddHyperLink("included.", new Uri("https://evotec.xyz/hub"), addStyle: true);


    var listNumbered = document.AddList(WordListStyle.Heading1ai);
    listNumbered.AddItem("Different list number 1");
    listNumbered.AddItem("Different list number 2", 1);
    listNumbered.AddItem("Different list number 3", 1);
    listNumbered.AddItem("Different list number 4", 1);

    var section = document.AddSection();
    section.PageOrientation = PageOrientationValues.Landscape;
    section.PageSettings.PageSize = WordPageSize.A4;

    wordListToc.AddItem("Adding headers / footers");

    // lets add headers and footers

    // adding text to default header
    document.Header.Default.AddParagraph("Text added to header - Default");

    var section1 = document.AddSection();
    section1.PageOrientation = PageOrientationValues.Portrait;
    section1.PageSettings.PageSize = WordPageSize.A5;

    wordListToc.AddItem("Adding custom properties to document");

    document.CustomDocumentProperties.Add("TestProperty", new WordCustomProperty { Value = DateTime.Today });
    document.CustomDocumentProperties.Add("MyName", new WordCustomProperty("Some text"));
    document.CustomDocumentProperties.Add("IsTodayGreatDay", new WordCustomProperty(true));



In addition to the fact that OfficeIMO.Word uses Unit Tests, Characterization Tests are also used. Characterization test were added in order to not overlook a change that breaks the behavior. These tests are based on Verify ("Snapshot Testing in .NET with Verify"). if you need to add or update a verified snapshot, you can use the powershell script:

$ pwsh -c ./Build/ApproveVerifyTests.ps1