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A web application to help check for domain or SSL/TLS certificate expirations.

Shakespeare quote: « An SSL error has occured and a secure connection to the server cannot be made. »

How-To Add a new check kind


Start by appending a new kind into the Check model at the enum :kind line.

Write a job and the check execution

The job takes a Check instance as an argument and is responsible for performing the check and updating the following dates fields for the check instance:

The code architecture is up to you and can vary depending on the check, but most of time you should write a service which will execute something and parse the response. Then you'll return a simple response object which responds to methods used for updating check fields in the job.

Look at the SSL and Domain implementations for examples.


This is not currently required, but you should use the CheckLogger class to emit log events at important steps of a check execution (especially when error occurs): this can help in case of problems. A single CheckLogger instance is attached to a check execution and fill a CheckLog model instance with various contents. Looks into the code to see supported events.


A processor is responsible for executing checks at regular interval, selectively or not, depending of your needs. Basically, it performs your job for all relevant checks.

Create a processor dedicated for your check kind. The class should include the CheckProcessor module and respond to the following methods :


Each check kind can have configuration. Looks for other checks configuration for examples, such as checks_domain configuration in config/chexpire.defaults.yml file.

Schedule a task

Write a task in lib/tasks/checks.rake under the namespaces checks:sync_dates and invoke the sync_dates method of your processor. Schedule to run it periodically in config/schedule.rb, or list the task in the all alias which is the default processor scheduler.


Finally, you have to write the way the checks will be notified to theirs users. For each notifier channel (email, …) you need to write the way you'll notify the users when theirs check expiry dates matches their Notifications records.

First, add your checks kinds and these notifications definitions in the base class for notifier: app/services/notifier/channels/base.rb : in the notify method, for your new check kind, a specific method will be called in each notifier. For example, in the email channel, a specific mailer action is called for the check kind (domain, ssl…) Then, in each notifier class, implements the details of this method. If you want to ignore a notification for a given channel, simply write the method and do nothing, or use the supports? method and returns false.

For the email channel you'll have to write a new mailer action with these views. Take the SSL kind files as an example. Preview your mailer in a browser by editing test/mailers/previews/notifications_mailer_preview.rb file like other kinds and follow the comments in this file.

Handle recurrent failures

When our execution system fails a given number of consecutive times, the user will be notified. This is a different workflow from the expiration notifications :

With a new check kind, you only need to tweek the mailer views to supports their new check kind. Follow app/views/recurrent_failures.{fr,en}.{text.html}.erb views and create similar partial of current kinds like _ssl_recurrent_failures.* for your new kind.

To preview the email, you have to enhance the seeds with a few checks of your new kind, and open http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/notifications_mailer/recurrent_failures .


chexpire is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.