Apina creates client-side TypeScript code for either for Angular or Fetch API based on server-side APIs. Apina reads
Spring Web MVC's @RestController
annotated classes and their related Jackson classes and creates code for the data
model and for executing HTTP-requests.
Read the manual for details.
Quick start using Gradle
Include something like the following in your web application project:
plugins {
id("fi.evident.apina") version "0.23.1"
tasks.apina {
// Set the name of the created TypeScript file. Default is 'build/apina/apina.ts'.
// Specify types that should not be generated, but are implemented manually
// and should be imported to the generated code. Keys are module paths, values
// are list of types imported from the module.
"./my-time-module" to listOf("Instant", "LocalDate"),
"./other-module" to listOf("Foo", "Bar")
// How Java enums are translated to TypeScript enums? (Default mode is 'default'.)
// - 'default' => enum MyEnum { FOO = "FOO", BAR = "BAR", BAZ = "BAZ" }
// - 'int_enum' => enum MyEnum { FOO, BAR, BAZ }
// - 'string_union' => type MyEnum = "FOO" | "BAR" | "BAZ"
// How nullables are translated to TypeScript interfaces? (Default mode is 'NULL'.)
// - 'NULL' => name: Type | null
// - 'UNDEFINED' => name?: Type
// Which controllers to include when generating API? Defaults to everything.
// If generated URLs would start with given prefix, removes it. Useful when configuring Apina
// to work behind reverse proxies. Defaults to empty string (URL is not modified).
// Code generation target (Default is 'angular')
// - 'angular' => Generate Angular module that uses Angular's HttpClient
// - 'es6' => Generate code that uses Fetch API and has no dependencies apart from ES6
// Tell the frontend to run apina before setup
// (the 'setup' task will probably be different for you)
Using generated code
Make your application dependent on Apina and HttpClient:
import { provideHttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
import { provideApina } from 'apina';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [
Then just inject the generated endpoint and use it:
import { DocumentsEndpoint } from 'apina';
@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
class MyService {
constructor(private readonly documentsEndpoint: DocumentsEndpoint) { }
load() {
this.documentsEndpoint.findDocument(42).subscribe(doc =>
console.log("loaded", doc);
main apina codeapina-cli
command line interface for running conversionapina-gradle
plugin for Gradle