

Redshift Console

Redshift Console's goal is to be the tool to monitor and manage a Redshift cluster. The first release has basic tools to monitor running queries, WLM queue and your tables/schemas.

After over a year of managing our Redshift cluster with a collection of scripts and queries, we decided to bundle this into a more user friendly tool that can be used by a wider audience. This project also aims to uncover all the useful information hidden in Redshift's Developer Guide (such as the table design status query).




This project is safe for usage, but still in its early stage (version 0.1). Future versions will include:

We are always happy to receive feedback and suggestions, especially if they are accompanied by a pull request.


You can either use the PyPI package or the docker image.


  1. The easiest way to install the project is from pypi:
$ pip install redshift-console
  1. Settings are set from environment variables. The main setting to set is the connection string to your Redshift cluster: (make sure the user has sufficient permissions)
$ export REDSHIFT_CONNECTION_STRING='user= password= host= port= dbname='
  1. Start the server:

    $ redshift-console runserver
    Starting server on port 5000 (debug mode: False).


 $ docker run -e REDSHIFT_CONNECTION_STRING="user= password= host= port=5439 dbname=" -p 5000:5000 everythingme/redshift_console
 Starting server on port 5000 (debug mode: False).


Arik Fraimovich and Oren Itamar.