

VAME Desktop

A desktop application for the Variational Animal Motion Encoding (VAME) project.



VAME Desktop has been designed to run each step of a VAME project only once. This is to ensure that the project is reproducible and that the data is not accidentally overwritten.



For some images functions (as UMAP images) ffmpeg is needed.

Download page: https://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html

Download Desktop versions:

You can find installers for VAME Desktop on the release page.


For M-series Macs, download the -arm64.dmg. For Intel Macs, download the -x64.dmg.

Open the vame-desktop-<VERSION>-macos-arm64.dmg or vame-desktop-<VERSION>-macos-x64.dmg, and drag and drop the VAME Desktop into the Applications folder.

Then go to Applications in Finder.


Hold Control ^ on the keyboard, then click open. In the following window, click on open again. This process needs to be done once. After that, the app can be opened from Launchpad as usual.


Double-click on vame-desktop-<VERSION>-win-setup.exe. The app will be installed and a shortcut named VAME Desktop will be added to your Desktop. Double-click on it to launch the app.

Linux Debian

Double-click on vame-desktop-<VERSION>-linux.deb or

sudo dpkg -i vame-desktop-<VERSION>-linux.deb

The executable will be added to the main applications folder on your Linux distribution.

Example data

The app can be tested on the sample input data found here.

Development mode


You will need to have miniconda installed on your machine OR pyenv.

with pyenv:

pyenv local
python -m venv venv

Unix system (linux or macos):

source ./venv/bin/activate



This will install all the necessary Python dependencies for the project.

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

with conda:

Create the Conda environment for the project by running the following command:

conda env create -f environment.yml

This will install all the necessary Python dependencies for the project.

Once complete, activate the environment by running the following command:

conda activate vame-desktop


You will need to have Node.js 20 installed on your machine. You also can use nvm or n to select versions.

Install Node modules by running the following command:

npm install

This only needs to be run once at project initialization and when the package.json dependencies are updated.

Running the App

To run the app, you will need to run the following command:

npm run dev

This will start the Electron app on developer mode.


The build process will create a .exe, .dmg or .deb depend on OS. Run differents command on incompatible OS will result on error.

Build diagram


npm run build:mac


npm run build:win

Linux Debian

npm run build:linux


Publishing will happen every time a new push is maded to the main branch with a tag associated, creating a release at release page.

To avoid unecessary releases, follow these steps: