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This is a fork of Essentials called EssentialsX.

If you are using this, do NOT ask Essentials for support.

The official upstream repository for the original Essentials project is at https://github.com/Essentials/Essentials.

Why use EssentialsX?

EssentialsX is a continuation of the Essentials plugin suite, updated to support modern Minecraft and Spigot versions.

It provides countless new features, performance enhancements and fixes that are not available in the original Essentials or Spigot-Essentials. For more details, see the wiki.

If you're coming from the original Essentials plugin, EssentialsX is a drop-in replacement for Essentials. It does, however, have some new requirements:


Need help with using EssentialsX? Join the MOSS Discord community to ask for help and discuss EssentialsX.

If you need to report a bug or want to suggest a new feature, you can open an issue on GitHub.


To build EssentialsX, you need JDK 8 or higher installed on your system.

Clone this repository, then run the following command:

You can then find builds of EssentialsX modules in the jars/ directory.

Running a test server

You can also run a test server from your development environment using the following command:

Note the : - without it, you will run several servers at once, which will likely crash Gradle.

Using EssentialsX in your plugin

Do you want to integrate with EssentialsX in your plugin? You can build your plugin against the EssentialsX API, available from the EssentialsX Maven repo.

Releases are hosted on the Maven repo at https://repo.essentialsx.net/releases/, while snapshots (including dev builds) are hosted at https://repo.essentialsx.net/snapshots/.

To add EssentialsX to your build system, you should use the following artifacts:

TypeGroup IDArtifact IDVersion
Latest releasenet.essentialsxEssentialsX2.20.1
Older releasesnet.ess3EssentialsX2.18.2

Note: until version 2.18.2, EssentialsX used the net.ess3 group ID.
From 2.19.0 onwards, EssentialsX uses the net.essentialsx group ID.
When updating your plugin, make sure you use the correct group ID.

You can find more information, including Maven and Gradle examples, at the wiki.

Support the EssentialsX project

Want to help improve EssentialsX? There are several ways you can support and contribute to the project.

Donate to EssentialsX

Donations allow us to cover the costs of our infrastructure, and also enable us to keep updating EssentialsX with new features and for new Minecraft versions.

You can support us with a one-off or monthly donation via GitHub Sponsors, and you'll get a badge on GitHub for supporting the project through this.

Alternatively, you can also donate monthly to the EssentialsX project on Patreon, or you can make a one-off donation on our Ko-fi page.

If you can't make a donation, don't worry! There are lots of other ways to contribute:

Contributing directly to EssentialsX

See CONTRIBUTING.md to find out more.

Providing support to other users