


What is this?

Strstr with user-supplied needle and filename as a BOF.


Why not? Supply what you want, and don't worry about downloading an entire file that may/may not have what you're looking for.

How do I run this?

  1. In this case, you have two options:
    1. Use the existing, compiled object file, located in the dist directory (AKA proceed to major step two)
    2. Compile from source via the Makefile
      1. cd src
      2. make clean
      3. make
  2. Load the Aggressor file, in the Script Manager, located in the dist directory
  3. Within a provided Beacon, beacon> needle_sift PATH_TO_FILE_OF_INTEREST STRING_TO_SEARCH_FOR (e.g. needle_sift C:\Users\User\sensitive_file.txt Password)

Any known downsides?