

PE Import Enumerator BOF

What is this?

This is a BOF to enumerate DLL files to-be-loaded by a given PE file. Depending on the number of arguments, this will allow an operator to either view a listing of anticipated imported DLL files, or to view the imported functions for an anticipated DLL.


At present, I was unaware of any existing BOF for Cobalt Strike to do such a thing. As well, these sort of enumerators do exist, however they all rely on similar methods: downloading a given file and examining it on one's own workstation/endpoint/insert your favorite nomenclature here.

This aims to replace such manual activities while remaining ON the target endpoint itself. We can do better, and should!

How is this useful?

Simply, this is an additional datapoint available to an operator in terms of awareness within their target environment(s). This will allow things to occur, such as further analysis with loaded modules within a running application, deducing such things as susceptibility to DLL hijacking, DLL sideloading, DLL proxying, etc. The world is your oyster, now!

What are the options this currently supports

How do I make this operable?

  1. In this case, you have two options:
    1. Use the existing, compiled object file, located in the dist directory (AKA proceed to major step two)
    2. Compile from source via the Makefile
      1. cd src
      2. make clean
      3. make
  2. Load the Aggressor file, in the Script Manager, located in the dist directory

Any known downsides?

What does the output look like?

Simple Output Specific DLL Import Functions Output

Whom would you like to credit?

Duncan Ogilvie (@mrexodia). This wouldn't have come into fruition nearly as quickly without your existing code to reference. Thank you for abstracting away the pain of the PE file format for me, seriously.