


If you know a place which is SSRF vulnerable then, this tool will help you to generate Gopher payload for exploiting SSRF (Server Side Request Forgery) and gaining RCE (Remote Code Execution). And also it will help you to get the Reverse shell on the victim server. And for more information you can get a blog on the same Blog on Gopherus


From Esonhugh

this repo can easily install via pipx

pipx install git+https://github.com/Esonhugh/Gopherus3.git

Note :

From Antabuse-does-something

This repo is a fork from the Original Tool but I have updated the code from python2 to python3 (because python2 is dead) and added a new feature to select the port for the reverse shell(Redis).


This repo is a fork merged Antabuse-does-something's changes and completelt refactor the code to make it more readable and maintainable.

Enhanced cli terminal experience with the use of argparse and added other exploit as modules.


This tool can generate payload for following:

  1. MySQL (Port-3306)
  2. PostgreSQL(Port-5432)
  3. FastCGI (Port-9000)
  4. Memcached (Port-11211)
    • If stored data is getting De-serialized by: <br>
      • Python <br>
      • Ruby <br>
      • PHP <br>
  5. Redis (Port-6379)
  6. Zabbix (Port-10050)
  7. SMTP (Port-25)


gopherus --helpHelp
gopherus --exploitArguments can be :
--exploit mysql -h
--exploit postgresql -h
--exploit fastcgi -h
--exploit redis -h
--exploit zabbix -h
--exploit pymemcache -h
--exploit rbmemcache -h
--exploit phpmemcache -h
--exploit dmpmemcache -h
--exploit smtp -h


gopherus --exploit mysql

      It only asks username of the MySQL user and it will provide you gopher link.

gopherus --exploit postgresql

      It only asks username of the Postgres user and database name then it will provide you gopher link.

gopherus --exploit fastcgi

      It only asks for a file which must be present in the victim system(preferable .php file), BTW we have default one.

gopherus --exploit redis
gopherus --exploit zabbix
gopherus --exploit pymemcache
gopherus --exploit rbmemcache
gopherus --exploit phpmemcache
gopherus --exploit dmpmemcache
gopherus --exploit smtp


image image image image image


Tarunkant Gupta (SpyD3r)


