

MoMask: Generative Masked Modeling of 3D Human Motions (CVPR 2024)

[Project Page] [Paper] [Huggingface Demo] [Colab Demo]


If you find our code or paper helpful, please consider starring our repository and citing:

  title={Momask: Generative masked modeling of 3d human motions},
  author={Guo, Chuan and Mu, Yuxuan and Javed, Muhammad Gohar and Wang, Sen and Cheng, Li},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

:postbox: News

📢 2024-08-02 --- The WebUI demo 🤗 is now running smoothly on a CPU. No GPU is required to use MoMask.

📢 2024-02-26 --- 🔥🔥🔥 Congrats! MoMask is accepted to CVPR 2024.

📢 2024-01-12 --- Now you can use MoMask in Blender as an add-on. Thanks to @makeinufilm for sharing the tutorial.

📢 2023-12-30 --- For easy WebUI BVH visulization, you could try this website bvh2vrma from this github.

📢 2023-12-29 --- Thanks to Camenduru for supporting the 🤗Colab demo.

📢 2023-12-27 --- Release WebUI demo. Try now on 🤗HuggingFace!

📢 2023-12-19 --- Release scripts for temporal inpainting.

📢 2023-12-15 --- Release codes and models for momask. Including training/eval/generation scripts.

📢 2023-11-29 --- Initialized the webpage and git project.

:round_pushpin: Get You Ready


1. Conda Environment

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate momask
pip install git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git

We test our code on Python 3.7.13 and PyTorch 1.7.1

Alternative: Pip Installation

<details> We provide an alternative pip installation in case you encounter difficulties setting up the conda environment.
pip install -r requirements.txt

We test this installation on Python 3.10


2. Models and Dependencies

Download Pre-trained Models

bash prepare/download_models.sh

Download Evaluation Models and Gloves

For evaluation only.

bash prepare/download_evaluator.sh
bash prepare/download_glove.sh


To address the download error related to gdown: "Cannot retrieve the public link of the file. You may need to change the permission to 'Anyone with the link', or have had many accesses". A potential solution is to run pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir gdown, as suggested on https://github.com/wkentaro/gdown/issues/43. This should help resolve the issue.

(Optional) Download Manually

Visit [Google Drive] to download the models and evaluators mannually.

3. Get Data

You have two options here:

(a). Full data (text + motion)

HumanML3D - Follow the instruction in HumanML3D, then copy the result dataset to our repository:

cp -r ../HumanML3D/HumanML3D ./dataset/HumanML3D

KIT-Download from HumanML3D, then place result in ./dataset/KIT-ML


:rocket: Demo


(a) Generate from a single prompt

python gen_t2m.py --gpu_id 1 --ext exp1 --text_prompt "A person is running on a treadmill."

(b) Generate from a prompt file

An example of prompt file is given in ./assets/text_prompt.txt. Please follow the format of <text description>#<motion length> at each line. Motion length indicates the number of poses, which must be integeter and will be rounded by 4. In our work, motion is in 20 fps.

If you write <text description>#NA, our model will determine a length. Note once there is one NA, all the others will be NA automatically.

python gen_t2m.py --gpu_id 1 --ext exp2 --text_path ./assets/text_prompt.txt

A few more parameters you may be interested:

The output files are stored under folder ./generation/<ext>/. They are

We also apply naive foot ik to the generated motions, see files with suffix _ik. It sometimes works well, but sometimes will fail.


:dancers: Visualization


All the animations are manually rendered in blender. We use the characters from mixamo. You need to download the characters in T-Pose with skeleton.


For retargeting, we found rokoko usually leads to large error on foot. On the other hand, keemap.rig.transfer shows more precise retargetting. You could watch the tutorial here.

Following these steps:

We didn't tried other retargetting tools. Welcome to comment if you find others are more useful.


We use this scene for animation.


:clapper: Temporal Inpainting

<details> We conduct mask-based editing in the m-transformer stage, followed by the regeneration of residual tokens for the entire sequence. To load your own motion, provide the path through `--source_motion`. Utilize `-msec` to specify the mask section, supporting either ratio or frame index. For instance, `-msec 0.3,0.6` with `max_motion_length=196` is equivalent to `-msec 59,118`, indicating the editing of the frame section [59, 118].
python edit_t2m.py --gpu_id 1 --ext exp3 --use_res_model -msec 0.4,0.7 --text_prompt "A man picks something from the ground using his right hand."

Note: Presently, the source motion must adhere to the format of a HumanML3D dim-263 feature vector. An example motion vector data from the HumanML3D test set is available in example_data/000612.npy. To process your own motion data, you can utilize the process_file function from utils/motion_process.py.


:space_invader: Train Your Own Models


Note: You have to train RVQ BEFORE training masked/residual transformers. The latter two can be trained simultaneously.

Train RVQ

You may also need to download evaluation models to run the scripts.

python train_vq.py --name rvq_name --gpu_id 1 --dataset_name t2m --batch_size 256 --num_quantizers 6  --max_epoch 50 --quantize_dropout_prob 0.2 --gamma 0.05

Train Masked Transformer

python train_t2m_transformer.py --name mtrans_name --gpu_id 2 --dataset_name t2m --batch_size 64 --vq_name rvq_name

Train Residual Transformer

python train_res_transformer.py --name rtrans_name  --gpu_id 2 --dataset_name t2m --batch_size 64 --vq_name rvq_name --cond_drop_prob 0.2 --share_weight

All the pre-trained models and intermediate results will be saved in space ./checkpoints/<dataset_name>/<name>.


:book: Evaluation


Evaluate RVQ Reconstruction:


python eval_t2m_vq.py --gpu_id 0 --name rvq_nq6_dc512_nc512_noshare_qdp0.2 --dataset_name t2m --ext rvq_nq6


python eval_t2m_vq.py --gpu_id 0 --name rvq_nq6_dc512_nc512_noshare_qdp0.2_k --dataset_name kit --ext rvq_nq6

Evaluate Text2motion Generation:


python eval_t2m_trans_res.py --res_name tres_nlayer8_ld384_ff1024_rvq6ns_cdp0.2_sw --dataset_name t2m --name t2m_nlayer8_nhead6_ld384_ff1024_cdp0.1_rvq6ns --gpu_id 1 --cond_scale 4 --time_steps 10 --ext evaluation


python eval_t2m_trans_res.py --res_name tres_nlayer8_ld384_ff1024_rvq6ns_cdp0.2_sw_k --dataset_name kit --name t2m_nlayer8_nhead6_ld384_ff1024_cdp0.1_rvq6ns_k --gpu_id 0 --cond_scale 2 --time_steps 10 --ext evaluation

The final evaluation results will be saved in ./checkpoints/<dataset_name>/<name>/eval/<ext>.log



We sincerely thank the open-sourcing of these works where our code is based on:

deep-motion-editing, Muse, vector-quantize-pytorch, T2M-GPT, MDM and MLD


This code is distributed under an MIT LICENSE.

Note that our code depends on other libraries, including SMPL, SMPL-X, PyTorch3D, and uses datasets which each have their own respective licenses that must also be followed.


Contact cguo2@ualberta.ca for further questions.

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