


<p align="center">Pro CS2 DMA</p>

<p align="center">English | 简体中文</p>

<p align="center">「Pro CS2 DMA」 is a passion project, and I will do my best to optimize the user experience. I hope everyone can offer good suggestions for improvement. The project itself is in C++, with the radar based on JavaScript and HTML. Suggestions can be related to technical skills or even natural language logic. Everyone is smart, and maybe your inspiration can bring significant improvements to the project.</p>


OtherDecrypt platform encryption、Visible check via VPK parsing

🧩 Screenshots

Esp feature demonstration.


Visible check and dynamic FOV feature demonstration. IMG_0098 mov_20240820_010313_compressed

<p align="center">Web Radar🧭</p>

<p align="center">Easy to read, infinitely resizeable.</p> <p align="center">Two styles: static and centered, rotating with the view.</p>

radar_2024 11 03-18 41

🗺Radar Features

playerDefaultBoth CT and T players are shown, along with the weapon they're holding and their nickname.
host_dotHostThe selected main view player is easy to distinguish.
low hpHealth indicatorWhen a player loses health, the color of the health ring will change accordingly.
boom playerBomb carrierShows the player that has the C4 with them. Easily spottable on the radar because of the color difference.
deadDeadKilled players are still faintly visible on the radar as a small cross.
f1 (1)Firing statePlayer firing state.
Hurt (1)HurtWhen the player takes damage.
shan (1)BlindedThe state when a player is blinded by a flashbang.
smoke (1)SmokeSmoke grenade by CT and T teams.
huo (1)IncendiaryIncendiary grenade.
zhayanExplosionSmoke grenade exploded by a grenade.

Follow the action

When only a few players are alive most of the radar is just empty and only a very small part contains all the action. The autozoom feature has resolved this issue. The radar image can automatically pan and zoom according to where the players are located, and smoothly follows the action. <p align="center">697</p> Autozoom tries to keep the action in the middle, with a safe padding around any players so they can never accidentally run off the radar image. it also has a minimal zoom level, so that the radar only zooms in when the action is concentrated in a small part of the map.


Advisories are automatically detected events that the observer might want to switch to. To make switching to this event easier, the observer slot number is displayed next to an icon noting the type of advisory. The observer should still make his own judgment of the situation.

noDefaultThis is displayed when no other notable events are happening.
plantPlanted bombCountdown after bomb is planted.
chaiDefusingA CT is defusing the bomb.

And much more

How to use ❓

  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Run radar.exe (if use this feature).
  3. Run Pro CS2.exe
  4. Enjoy the game😀

Planned tasks 📑

[!IMPORTANT] There are still some features that need improvement, and I will update them as soon as possible. Once the code is organized, I will upload the source code. In the meantime, I will first release the packaged program.

If you have any suggestions regarding the project and its features, you can use the Issues section to let me know.

If the project has been helpful to you, please give it a ⭐star⭐.