

Energy-Based Cross-Attention

[NeurIPS 2023] This repository is the official implementation of Energy-Based Cross Attention for Bayesian Context Update in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models .<br> Geon Yeong Park*, Jeongsol Kim*, Beomsu Kim, Sang Wan Lee, Jong Chul Ye



Despite the remarkable performance of text-to-image diffusion models in image generation tasks, recent studies have raised the issue that generated images sometimes cannot capture the intended semantic contents of the text prompts, which phenomenon is often called semantic misalignment. To address this, here we present a novel energy-based model (EBM) framework. Specifically, we first formulate EBMs of latent image representations and text embeddings in each cross-attention layer of the denoising autoencoder. Then, we obtain the gradient of the log posterior of context vectors, which can be updated and transferred to the subsequent cross-attention layer, thereby implicitly minimizing a nested hierarchy of energy functions. Our latent EBMs further allow zero-shot compositional generation as a linear combination of cross-attention outputs from different contexts. Using extensive experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed method is highly effective in handling various image generation tasks, including multi-concept generation, text-guided image inpainting, and real and synthetic image editing.



It is okay to use lower version of CUDA with proper pytorch version. We highly recommend to use a conda environment as below.

Getting started

1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/jeongsol-kim/energy-attention.git
cd energy_attention

2. Set environment

conda env create --name EBCA --file simple_env.yaml
conda activate EBCA

Main tasks


This repo follows the style of diffusers. Specifically, the core modules are consists of modules/models, modules/pipelines, and modules/utils.

We provide four exemplary main scripts, i.e realedit_txt2img.py. These scripts may share some common options as follow:

More details per each task are provided in below.

1. Real-image editing

Cat → Dog

python realedit_txt2img.py --gamma_attn 0. --gamma_norm 0. --img_file assets/samples/realedit/cat_1.jpg \
--editing_prompt dog cat --editing_direction 1 0 --alpha 0.75 0.65 --alpha_tau 0.5 0.5 --gamma_attn_compose 0.0006 0.0005 --gamma_norm_compose 0.0006 0.0005 --gamma_tau 0.5 0.5

Horse → Zebra

python realedit_txt2img.py --gamma_attn 0. --gamma_norm 0. --img_file assets/samples/realedit/horse_1.jpg \
--editing_prompt "zebra" "brown horse" --editing_direction 1 0 --alpha 0.6 0.5 --alpha_tau 0.3 0.3 --gamma_attn_compose 0.0005 0.0004 --gamma_norm_compose 0.0005 0.0004 --gamma_tau 0.3 0.3


python realedit_txt2img.py --img_file assets/samples/realedit/afhq_1.jpg --editing_prompt "a goat, a photography of a goat" \
--alpha 0.6 --alpha_tau 0.35 --gamma_attn_compose 0.001 --gamma_norm_compose 0.001 --gamma_tau 0.3 --editing_direction 1 --seed 0

main main

2. Synthetic-image editing


python synedit_txt2img.py --gamma_attn 0. --gamma_norm 0. --prompt "a house at a lake" --editing_prompt "Water colors, Watercolor painting, Watercolor" \
--alpha 1.1 --alpha_tau 0.2 --seed 12 --gamma_attn_compose 0.0004 --gamma_norm_compose 0.0004 --gamma_tau 0.2


python synedit_txt2img.py --gamma_attn 0.01 --gamma_norm 0.01 --prompt "a castle next to a river" --seed 48 \\
--editing_prompt "monet painting, impression, sunrise" "boat on a river, boat" --editing_direction 1 1 \\
--alpha 1.3 1.3 --alpha_tau 0.2 0.2 --gamma_attn_compose 0. 0. --gamma_norm_compose 0. 0. --gamma_tau 0. 0.

3. Multi-concept generation

python inference_txt2img.py --prompt "A lion with a crown" --gamma_attn 0.01 --gamma_norm 0.02 --seed 1
python inference_txt2img.py --prompt "A cat wearing a shirt" --gamma_attn 0.01 --gamma_norm 0.02 --seed 1 --token_upweight 2.5 --token_indices 5

4. Text-guided inpainting

python inpaint_txt2img.py --gamma_attn 0.025 --gamma_norm 0.025 --prompt "teddy bear" --img_file assets/samples/inpaint/starry_night_512.png --mask_file assets/samples/inpaint/starry_night_512_mask.png

5. Citation

If you find our work interesting, please cite our paper.

  title={Energy-based cross attention for bayesian context update in text-to-image diffusion models},
  author={Park, Geon Yeong and Kim, Jeongsol and Kim, Beomsu and Lee, Sang Wan and Ye, Jong Chul},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},