

SLT - A Common Lisp Language Plugin for Jetbrains IDE lineup

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THIS PLUGIN IS EXPERIMENTAL and can crash at any time! Please report all bugs!

This plugin is providing support for Common Lisp for JetBrains IDEs. Using modified SLIME/Swank protocol to communicate with lisp interpret providing IDE capabilities for Common Lisp.

(Somewhat) Detailed Installation and Usage Guide

You can now download the plugin from marketplace! https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/21132-slt



  1. Intellij based IDE - tested on Intellij Idea Community/Ultimate but should work on all major IDEs
    1. Versions supported are from 2022.2 and upwards

Optionally (see more - guide):

  1. One of the supported LISP Interprets installed:
  2. Quicklisp installed

(Not all features work with all interprets, see FEATURES.md for more info!)

Getting started

See https://github.com/Enerccio/SLT/wiki/User-Guide#plugin-installation

Plugin options

Compiling source

Clone the repository and change gradle.properties for your IDE. Then use gradle to build the plugin. You can also open this as a project in Intellij Idea.

Planned features / goals


This project is licensed under Apache License v2.

How to help?


If you feel like it, you can donate to support my work via Liberapay or Patreon.

What does SLT even mean?

SLT - Speech Language Therapy. Only cure for LISP!

Also, backronym for Superior Lisp Tooling!