


Radiance is a BitTorrent tracker written in C++ for the Luminance project. It supports requests over TCP and can track both IPv4 and IPv6 peers in a dual-stack mixed swarm.

Radiance Compile-time Dependencies

Also required for debug builds:

Standalone Installation

autoreconf -i
sudo make install
pkg update
pkg install autoconf automake autotools boost-libs clang35 gcc8 git gmake libev llvm35 mysql++-mysql56 google-perftools
git clone https://github.com/Empornium/Radiance.git
cd Radiance/ && autoreconf -i && ./configure --with-tcmalloc && make && make install

Configure options:

--with-jemalloc is recommended

--with-tcmalloc is a good alternative to jemalloc

--enable-debug can help to find the source of crashes

Obs: Configure flags --with-jemalloc and --enable-debug doesn't work on FreeBSD, --with-jemalloc work's since you have google-perftools installed.

Running Radiance

Run-time options:
