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🎁 cargo-fetcher

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Alternative to cargo fetch for use in CI or other "clean" environments that you want to quickly bootstrap with the necessary crates to compile/test etc your project(s).



Why not?

Supported Storage Backends


The gcs feature enables the use of Google Cloud Storage as a backend.


The s3 feature enables the use of Amazon S3 as a backend.


The fs feature enables use of a folder on a local disk to store crates to and fetch crates from.


The blob feature enables the use of Azure Blob storage as a backend.


This is an example from our CI for an internal project.



The following CI jobs are run in parallel, each in a Kubernetes Job running on GKE. The container base is roughly the same as the official rust:1.39.0-slim image.

~ wait for all jobs to finish ~


All 3 build jobs take around 1m2s each to do cargo fetch --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu


All 3 build jobs take 3-4s each to do cargo fetcher --include-index sync.


cargo-fetcher has only 2 subcommands. Both of them share a set of options, the important inputs for each backend are described in Storage Backends.

In addition to the backend specifics, the only required optional is the path to the Cargo.lock lockfile that you are operating on. cargo-fetcher requires a lockfile, as otherwise the normal cargo work of generating a lockfile requires having a full registry index locally, which partially defeats the point of this tool.

-l, --lock-file <lock-file>
    Path to the lockfile used for determining what crates to operate on [default: Cargo.lock]


The mirror subcommand does the work of downloading crates and registry indexes from their original locations and re-uploading them to your storage backend.

It does have one additional option however, to determine how often it should take snapshots of the registry index(es).

-m, --max-stale <max-stale>
    The duration for which the index will not be replaced after its most recent update.

    Times may be specified with no suffix (default days), or one of:
    * (s)econds
    * (m)inutes
    * (h)ours
    * (d)ays

Custom registries

One wrinkle with mirroring is the presence of custom registries. To handle these, cargo fetcher uses the same logic that cargo uses to locate .cargo/config<.toml> config files to detect custom registries, however, cargo's config files only contain the metadata needed to fetch and publish to the registry, but the url template for where to download crates from is actually present in a config.json file in the root of the registry itself.

Rather than wait for a registry index to be downloaded each time before fetching any crates sourced that registry, cargo-fetcher instead allows you to specify the download location yourself via an environment variable, that way it can fully parallelize the fetching of registry indices and crates.


# .cargo/config.toml

embark = { index = "<secret url>" }

The environment variable is of the form CARGO_FETCHER_<name>_DL where name is the same name (upper-cased) of the registry in the configuration file.

CARGO_FETCHER_EMBARK_DL="https://secret/rust/cargo/{crate}-{version}.crate" cargo fetcher mirror

The format of the URL should be the same as the one in your registry's config.json file, if this environment variable is not specified for your registry, the default of /{crate}/{version}/download is just appended to the url of the registry.


The sync subcommand is the actual replacement for cargo fetch, except instead of downloading crates and registries from their normal location, it downloads them from your storage backend, and splats them to disk in the same way that cargo does, so that cargo won't have to do any actual work before it can start building code.


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