dpnn : deep extensions to nn
This package provides many useful features that aren't part of the main nn package. These include sharedClone, which allows you to clone a module and share parameters or gradParameters with the original module, without incuring any memory overhead. We also redefined type such that the type-cast preserves Tensor sharing within a structure of modules.
The package provides the following Modules:
- Serial : decorate a module makes its serialized output more compact ;
- Inception : implements the Inception module of the GoogleLeNet article ;
- ReverseTable : reverse the order of elements in a table;
- SpatialUniformCrop : uniformly crops patches from a input;
- SpatialGlimpse : takes a fovead glimpse of an image at a given location;
- Kmeans : Kmeans clustering layer. Forward computes distances with respect to centroids and returns index of closest centroid. Centroids can be updated using gradient descent. Centroids could be initialized randomly or by using kmeans++ algoirthm;
- SpatialRegionDropout : Randomly dropouts a region (top, bottom, leftmost, rightmost) of the input image. Works with batch and any number of channels;
- FireModule : FireModule as mentioned in the SqueezeNet;
- NCEModule : optimized placeholder for a
using noise-contrastive estimation. - SpatialFeatNormalization : Module for widely used preprocessing step of mean zeroing and standardization for images.
- SpatialBinaryConvolution : Module for binary spatial convolution (Binary weights) as mentioned in XNOR-Net.
- SimpleColorTransform : Module for adding independent random noise to input image channels.
- PCAColorTransform : Module for adding noise to input image using Principal Components Analysis.
The following modules and criterions can be used to implement the REINFORCE algorithm :
- Reinforce : abstract class for REINFORCE modules;
- ReinforceBernoulli : samples from Bernoulli distribution;
- ReinforceNormal : samples from Normal distribution;
- ReinforceGamma : samples from Gamma distribution;
- ReinforceCategorical : samples from Categorical (Multinomial with one sample) distribution;
- VRClassReward : criterion for variance-reduced classification-based reward;
- BinaryClassReward : criterion for variance-reduced binary classification reward (like
, but for binary classes);
Additional differentiable criterions
- BinaryLogisticRegression : criterion for binary logistic regression;
- SpatialBinaryLogisticRegression : criterion for pixel wise binary logistic regression;
- NCECriterion : criterion exclusively used with NCEModule.
- ModuleCriterion : adds an optional
before a decorated criterion; - BinaryLogisticRegression : criterion for binary logistic regression.
- SpatialBinaryLogisticRegression : criterion for pixel wise binary logistic regression.
A lot of the functionality implemented here was pulled from dp, which makes heavy use of this package. However, dpnn can be used without dp (for e.g. you can use it with optim), which is one of the main reasons why we made it.
Sagar Waghmare wrote a nice tutorial on how to use dpnn with nngraph to reproduce the Lateral Connections in Denoising Autoencoders Support Supervised Learning.
A brief (1 hours) overview of Torch7, which includes some details about dpnn, is available via this NVIDIA GTC Webinar video. In any case, this presentation gives a nice overview of Logistic Regression, Multi-Layer Perceptrons, Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks using Torch7.
<a name='nn.Module'></a>
The Module interface has been further extended with methods that facilitate stochastic gradient descent like updateGradParameters (i.e. momentum learning), weightDecay, maxParamNorm (for regularization), and so on.
<a name='nn.Module.dpnn_parameters'></a>
A table that specifies the name of parameter attributes.
Defaults to {'weight', 'bias'}
, which is a static variable (i.e. table exists in class namespace).
Sub-classes can define their own table statically.
<a name='nn.Module.dpnn_gradParameters'></a>
A table that specifies the name of gradient w.r.t. parameter attributes.
Defaults to {'gradWeight', 'gradBias'}
, which is a static variable (i.e. table exists in class namespace).
Sub-classes can define their own table statically.
<a name='nn.Module.type'></a>
[self] Module:type(type_str)
This function converts all the parameters of a module to the given type_str
The type_str
can be one of the types defined for torch.Tensor
like torch.DoubleTensor
, torch.FloatTensor
and torch.CudaTensor
Unlike the type method
defined in nn, this one was overriden to
maintain the sharing of storage
among Tensors. This is especially useful when cloning modules share parameters
and gradParameters
<a name='nn.Module.sharedClone'></a>
[clone] Module:sharedClone([shareParams, shareGradParams])
Similar to clone.
Yet when shareParams = true
(the default), the cloned module will share the parameters
with the original module.
Furthermore, when shareGradParams = true
(the default), the clone module will share
the gradients w.r.t. parameters with the original module.
This is equivalent to :
clone = mlp:clone()
clone:share(mlp, 'weight', 'bias', 'gradWeight', 'gradBias')
yet it is much more efficient, especially for modules with lots of parameters, as these
Tensors aren't needlessly copied during the clone
This is particularly useful for Recurrent neural networks
which require efficient copies with shared parameters and gradient w.r.t. parameters for each time-step.
<a name='nn.Module.maxParamNorm'></a>
Module:maxParamNorm([maxOutNorm, maxInNorm])
This method implements a hard constraint on the upper bound of the norm of output and/or input neuron weights
(Hinton et al. 2012, p. 2) .
In a weight matrix, this is a contraint on rows (maxOutNorm
) and/or columns (maxInNorm
), respectively.
Has a regularization effect analogous to weightDecay, but with easier to optimize hyper-parameters.
Assumes that parameters are arranged (output dim x ... x input dim
Only affects parameters with more than one dimension.
The method should normally be called after updateParameters.
It uses the C/CUDA optimized torch.renorm function.
Hint : maxOutNorm = 2
usually does the trick.
<a name='nn.Module.momentumGradParameters'></a>
[momGradParams] Module:momentumGradParameters()
Returns a table of Tensors (momGradParams
). For each element in the
table, a corresponding parameter (params
) and gradient w.r.t. parameters
) is returned by a call to parameters.
This method is used internally by updateGradParameters.
<a name='nn.Module.updateGradParameters'></a>
Module:updateGradParameters(momFactor [, momDamp, momNesterov])
Applies classic momentum or Nesterov momentum (Sutskever, Martens et al, 2013) to parameter gradients.
Each parameter Tensor (params
) has a corresponding Tensor of the same size for gradients w.r.t. parameters (gradParams
When using momentum learning, another Tensor is added for each parameter Tensor (momGradParams
This method should be called before updateParameters
as it affects the gradients w.r.t. parameters.
Classic momentum is computed as follows :
momGradParams = momFactor*momGradParams + (1-momDamp)*gradParams
gradParams = momGradParams
where momDamp
has a default value of momFactor
Nesterov momentum (momNesterov = true
) is computed as follows (the first line is the same as classic momentum):
momGradParams = momFactor*momGradParams + (1-momDamp)*gradParams
gradParams = gradParams + momFactor*momGradParams
The default is to use classic momentum (momNesterov = false
<a name='nn.Module.weightDecay'></a>
Module:weightDecay(wdFactor [, wdMinDim])
Decays the weight of the parameterized models.
Implements an L2 norm loss on parameters with dimensions greater or equal to wdMinDim
(default is 2).
The resulting gradients are stored into the corresponding gradients w.r.t. parameters.
Such that this method should be called before updateParameters.
<a name='nn.Module.gradParamClip'></a>
Module:gradParamClip(cutoffNorm [, moduleLocal])
Implements a contrainst on the norm of gradients w.r.t. parameters (Pascanu et al. 2012).
When moduleLocal = false
(the default), the norm is calculated globally to Module for which this is called.
So if you call it on an MLP, the norm is computed on the concatenation of all parameter Tensors.
When moduleLocal = true
, the norm constraint is applied
to the norm of all parameters in each component (non-container) module.
This method is useful to prevent the exploding gradient in
Recurrent neural networks.
<a name='nn.Module.reinforce'></a>
This method is used by Criterions that implement the REINFORCE algorithm like VRClassReward.
While vanilla backpropagation (gradient descent using the chain rule),
REINFORCE Criterions broadcast a reward
to all REINFORCE modules between the forward
and the backward
In this way, when the following call to backward
reaches the REINFORCE modules,
these will compute a gradInput
using the broadcasted reward
The reward
is broadcast to all REINFORCE modules contained
within model
by calling model:reinforce(reward)
Note that the reward
should be a 1D tensor of size batchSize
i.e. each example in a batch has its own scalar reward.
Refer to this example for a complete training script making use of the REINFORCE interface.
<a name='nn.Serial'></a>
dmodule = nn.Serial(module, [tensortype])
This module is a decorator that can be used to control the serialization/deserialization behavior of the encapsulated module. Basically, making the resulting string or file heavy (the default), medium or light in terms of size.
Furthermore, when specified, the tensortype
attribute (e.g torch.FloatTensor, torch.DoubleTensor and so on.),
determines what type the module will be cast to during serialization.
Note that this will also be the type of the deserialized object.
The default serialization tensortype
is nil
, i.e. the module is serialized as is.
The heavySerial()
has the serialization process serialize every attribute in the module graph,
which is the default behavior of nn.
The mediumSerial()
has the serialization process serialize
everything except the attributes specified in each module's dpnn_mediumEmpty
table, which has a default value of {'output', 'gradInput', 'momGradParams', 'dpnn_input'}
During serialization, whether they be tables or Tensors, these attributes are emptied (no storage).
Some modules overwrite the default Module.dpnn_mediumEmpty
static attribute with their own.
The lightSerial()
has the serialization process empty
everything a call to mediumSerial(type)
would (so it uses dpnn_mediumEmpty
But also empties all the parameter gradients specified by the
attribute dpnn_gradParameters
, which defaults to {gradWeight, gradBias}
We recomment using mediumSerial()
for training, and lightSerial()
production (feed-forward-only models).
<a name='nn.Inception'></a>
References :
module = nn.Inception(config)
This module uses n
+2 parallel "columns".
The original paper uses 2+2 where the first two are (but there could be more than two):
- 1x1 conv (reduce) -> relu -> 5x5 conv -> relu
- 1x1 conv (reduce) -> relu -> 3x3 conv -> relu
and where the other two are :
- 3x3 maxpool -> 1x1 conv (reduce/project) -> relu
- 1x1 conv (reduce) -> relu.
This module allows the first group of columns to be of any number while the last group consist of exactly two columns. The 1x1 convoluations are used to reduce the number of input channels (or filters) such that the capacity of the network doesn't explode. We refer to these here has reduce. Since each column seems to have one and only one reduce, their initial configuration options are specified in lists of n+2 elements.
The sole argument config
is a table taking the following key-values :
- Required Arguments :
: number of input channels or colors, e.g. 3;outputSize
: numbers of filters in the non-1x1 convolution kernel sizes, e.g.{32,48}
: numbers of filters in the 1x1 convolutions (reduction) used in each column, e.g.{48,64,32,32}
. The last 2 are used respectively for the max pooling (projection) column (the last column in the paper) and the column that has nothing but a 1x1 conv (the first column in the paper). This table should have two elements more than the outputSize- Optional Arguments :
: strides of the 1x1 (reduction) convolutions. Defaults to{1,1,...}
: transfer function likenn.Tanh
, etc. It is used after each reduction (1x1 convolution) and convolution. Defaults tonn.ReLU
: set this totrue
to use batch normalization. Defaults tofalse
. Note that batch normalization can be awesomepadding
: set this totrue
to add padding to the input of the convolutions such that output width and height are same as that of the original non-paddedinput
. Defaults totrue
: size (height = width
) of the non-1x1 convolution kernels. Defaults to{5,3}
: stride of the kernels (height = width
) of the convolution. Defaults to{1,1}
: size (height = width
) of the spatial max pooling used in the next-to-last column. Defaults to 3.poolStride
: stride (height = width
) of the spatial max pooling. Defaults to 1.
For a complete example using this module, refer to the following :
- deep inception training script ;
- openface facial recognition (the model definition is here).
<a name='nn.ReverseTable'></a>
module = nn.ReverseTable()
Reverses the order of elements in a table.
<a name='nn.Clip'></a>
Deprecated: use nn's nn.Clamp instead.
module = nn.Clip(minval, maxval)
This module clips input
values such that the output is between minval
and maxval
<a name='nn.SpatialUniformCrop'></a>
module = nn.SpatialUniformCrop(oheight, owidth)
During training, this module will output a cropped patch of size oheight, owidth
within the boundaries of the input
For each example, a location is sampled from a uniform distribution
such that each possible patch has an equal probability of being sampled.
During evaluation, the center patch is cropped and output.
This module is commonly used at the input layer to artificially augment the size of the dataset to prevent overfitting.
<a name='nn.SpatialGlimpse'></a>
Ref. A. Recurrent Model for Visual Attention
module = nn.SpatialGlimpse(size, depth, scale)
A glimpse is the concatenation of down-scaled cropped images of
increasing scale around a given location in a given image.
The input is a pair of Tensors: {image, location}
are (y,x)
coordinates of the center of the different scales
of patches to be cropped from image image
Coordinates are between (-1,-1)
(top-left) and (1,1)
The output
is a batch of glimpses taken in image at location (y,x)
can be either a scalar which specifies the width = height
of glimpses,
or a table of {height, width}
to support a rectangular shape of glimpses.
is number of patches to crop per glimpse (one patch per depth).
determines the size(t) = scale * size(t-1)
of successive cropped patches.
So basically, this module can be used to focus the attention of the model
on a region of the input image
It is commonly used with the RecurrentAttention
module (see this example).
<a name='nn.SpatialRegionDropout'></a>
module = nn.SpatialRegionDropout(p)
Following is an example of SpatialRegionDropout
outputs on the famous lena image.
<a name='nn.FireModule'></a>
module = nn.FireModule(nInputPlane, s1x1, e1x1, e3x3, activation)
FireModule is comprised of two submodules 1) A squeeze convolution module comprised of 1x1
filters followed by 2) an expand module that is comprised of a mix of 1x1
and 3x3
convolution filters.
Arguments: s1x1
: number of 1x1
filters in the squeeze submodule, e1x1
: number of 1x1
filters in the expand submodule, e3x3
: number of 3x3
filters in the expand submodule. It is recommended that s1x1
be less than (e1x1+e3x3)
if you want to limit the number of input channels to the 3x3
filters in the expand submodule.
FireModule works only with batches, for single sample convert the sample to a batch of size 1.
<a name='nn.SpatialFeatNormalization'></a>
module = nn.SpatialFeatNormalization(mean, std)
This module normalizies each feature channel of input image based on its corresponding mean and standard deviation scalar values. This module does not learn the mean
and std
, they are provided as arguments.
<a name='nn.SpatialBinaryConvolution'></a>
module = nn.SpatialBinaryConvolution(nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, kW, kH)
Functioning of SpatialBinaryConvolution is similar to nn/SpatialConvolution. Only difference is that Binary weights are used for forward/backward and floating point weights are used for weight updates. Check Binary-Weight-Network section of XNOR-net.
<a name='nn.SimpleColorTransform'></a>
range = torch.rand(inputChannels) -- Typically range is specified by user.
module = nn.SimpleColorTransform(inputChannels, range)
This module performs a simple data augmentation technique. SimpleColorTransform module adds random noise to each color channel independently. In more advanced data augmentation technique noise is added using principal components of color channels. For that please check PCAColorTransform
<a name='nn.PCAColorTransform'></a>
eigenVectors = torch.rand(inputChannels, inputChannels) -- Eigen Vectors
eigenValues = torch.rand(inputChannels) -- Eigen
std = 0.1 -- Std deviation of normal distribution with mean zero for noise.
module = nn.PCAColorTransform(inputChannels, eigenVectors, eigenValues, std)
This module performs a data augmentation using Principal Component analysis of pixel values. When in training mode, mulitples of principal components are added to input image pixels. Magnitude of value added (noise) is dependent upon the corresponding eigen value and a random value sampled from a Gaussian distribution with mean zero and std
(default 0.1) standard deviation. This technique was used in the famous AlexNet paper.
<a name='nn.Kmeans'></a>
km = nn.Kmeans(k, dim)
is the number of centroids and dim
is the dimensionality of samples.
You can either initialize centroids randomly from input samples or by using kmeans++ algorithm.
km:initRandom(samples) -- Randomly initialize centroids from input samples.
km:initKmeansPlus(samples) -- Use Kmeans++ to initialize centroids.
Example showing how to use Kmeans module to do standard Kmeans clustering.
attempts = 10
iter = 100 -- Number of iterations
bestKm = nil
bestLoss = math.huge
learningRate = 1
for j=1, attempts do
local km = nn.Kmeans(k, dim)
for i=1, iter do
km:forward(samples) -- sets km.loss
km:backward(samples, gradOutput) -- gradOutput is ignored
-- Gradient Descent weight/centroids update
if km.loss < bestLoss then
bestLoss = km.loss
bestKm = km:clone()
module maintains loss only for the latest forward. If you want to maintain loss over the whole dataset then you who would need do it my adding the module loss for every forward.
You can also use nn.Kmeans()
as an auxillary layer in your network.
A call to forward
will generate an output
containing the index of the nearest cluster for each sample in the batch.
The gradInput
generated by updateGradInput
will be zero.
<a name='nn.ModuleCriterion'></a>
criterion = nn.ModuleCriterion(criterion [, inputModule, targetModule, castTarget])
This criterion decorates a criterion
by allowing the input
and target
to be
fed through an optional inputModule
and targetModule
before being passed to the
. The inputModule
must not contain parameters as these would not be updated.
When castTarget = true
(the default), the targetModule
is cast along with the inputModule
. Otherwise, the targetModule
<a name='nn.NCEModule'></a>
Ref. A RNNLM training with NCE for Speech Recognition
ncem = nn.NCEModule(inputSize, outputSize, k, unigrams, [Z])
When used in conjunction with NCECriterion,
the NCEModule
implements noise-contrastive estimation.
The point of the NCE is to speedup computation for large Linear
+ SoftMax
Computing a forward/backward for Linear(inputSize, outputSize)
for a large outputSize
can be very expensive.
This is common when implementing language models having with large vocabularies of a million words.
In such cases, NCE can be an efficient alternative to computing the full Linear
+ SoftMax
during training and
The inputSize
and outputSize
are the same as for the Linear
The number of noise samples to be drawn per example is k
. A value of 25 should work well.
Increasing it will yield better results, while a smaller value will be more efficient to process.
The unigrams
is a tensor of size outputSize
that contains the frequencies or probability distribution over classes.
It is used to sample noise samples via a fast implementation of torch.multinomial
The Z
is the normalization constant of the approximated SoftMax.
The default is math.exp(9)
as specified in Ref. A.
For inference, or measuring perplexity, the full Linear
+ SoftMax
will need to
be computed. The NCEModule
can do this by switching on the following :
ncem.normalized = true
Furthermore, to simulate Linear
+ LogSoftMax
instead, one need only add the following to the above:
ncem.logsoftmax = true
An example is provided via the rnn package.
<a name='nn.NCECriterion'></a>
ncec = nn.NCECriterion()
This criterion only works with an NCEModule on the output layer. Together, they implement noise-contrastive estimation.
<a name='nn.Reinforce'></a>
Ref A. Simple Statistical Gradient-Following Algorithms for Connectionist Reinforcement Learning
Abstract class for modules that implement the REINFORCE algorithm (ref. A).
module = nn.Reinforce([stochastic])
The reinforce(reward)
method is called by a special Reward Criterion (e.g. VRClassReward).
After which, when backward is called, the reward will be used to generate gradInputs.
When stochastic=true
, the module is stochastic (i.e. samples from a distribution)
during evaluation and training.
When stochastic=false
(the default), the module is only stochastic during training.
The REINFORCE rule for a module can be summarized as follows :
d ln(f(output,input))
gradInput = --------------------- * reward
d input
where the reward
is what is provided by a Reward criterion like
VRClassReward via the reinforce method.
The criterion will normally be responsible for the following formula :
reward = a*(R - b)
where a
is the alpha of the original paper, i.e. a reward scale,
is the raw reward (usually 0 or 1), and b
is the baseline reward,
which is often taken to be the expected raw reward R
The output
is usually sampled from a probability distribution f()
parameterized by the input
See ReinforceBernoulli for a concrete derivation.
Also, as you can see, the gradOutput is ignored. So within a backpropagation graph,
the Reinforce
modules will replace the backpropagated gradients (gradOutput
with their own obtained from the broadcasted reward
<a name='nn.ReinforceBernoulli'></a>
Ref A. Simple Statistical Gradient-Following Algorithms for Connectionist Reinforcement Learning
module = nn.ReinforceBernoulli([stochastic])
A Reinforce subclass that implements the REINFORCE algorithm
(ref. A p.230-236) for the Bernoulli probability distribution.
Inputs are bernoulli probabilities p
During training, outputs are samples drawn from this distribution.
During evaluation, when stochastic=false
, outputs are the same as the inputs.
Uses the REINFORCE algorithm (ref. A p.230-236) which is
implemented through the reinforce interface (gradOutputs
are ignored).
Given the following variables :
: bernoulli probability mass functionx
: the sampled values (0 or 1) (i.e.self.output
: probability of sampling a 1
the derivative of the log bernoulli w.r.t. probability p
is :
d ln(f(output,input)) d ln(f(x,p)) (x - p)
--------------------- = ------------ = ---------
d input d p p(1 - p)
<a name='nn.ReinforceNormal'></a>
Ref A. Simple Statistical Gradient-Following Algorithms for Connectionist Reinforcement Learning
module = nn.ReinforceNormal(stdev, [stochastic])
A Reinforce subclass that implements the REINFORCE algorithm
(ref. A p.238-239) for a Normal (i.e. Gaussian) probability distribution.
Inputs are the means of the normal distribution.
The stdev
argument specifies the standard deviation of the distribution.
During training, outputs are samples drawn from this distribution.
During evaluation, when stochastic=false
, outputs are the same as the inputs, i.e. the means.
Uses the REINFORCE algorithm (ref. A p.238-239) which is
implemented through the reinforce interface (gradOutputs
are ignored).
Given the following variables :
: normal probability density functionx
: the sampled values (i.e.self.output
: mean (input
: standard deviation (self.stdev
the derivative of log normal w.r.t. mean u
is :
d ln(f(x,u,s)) (x - u)
-------------- = -------
d u s^2
As an example, it is used to sample locations for the RecurrentAttention module (see this example).
<a name='nn.ReinforceGamma'></a>
Ref A. Simple Statistical Gradient-Following Algorithms for Connectionist Reinforcement Learning
module = nn.ReinforceGamma(scale, [stochastic])
A Reinforce subclass that implements the REINFORCE algorithm
(ref. A) for a Gamma probability distribution
parametrized by shape (k) and scale (theta) variables.
Inputs are the shapes of the gamma distribution.
During training, outputs are samples drawn from this distribution.
During evaluation, when stochastic=false
, outputs are equal to the mean, defined as the product of
shape and scale ie. k*theta
Uses the REINFORCE algorithm (ref. A) which is
implemented through the reinforce interface (gradOutputs
are ignored).
Given the following variables :
: gamma probability density functiong
: digamma functionx
: the sampled values (i.e.self.output
: shape (input
: scale
the derivative of log gamma w.r.t. shape k
is :
d ln(f(x,k,t))
-------------- = ln(x) - g(k) - ln(t)
d k
<a name='nn.ReinforceCategorical'></a>
Ref A. Simple Statistical Gradient-Following Algorithms for Connectionist Reinforcement Learning
module = nn.ReinforceCategorical([stochastic])
A Reinforce subclass that implements the REINFORCE algorithm
(ref. A) for a Categorical (i.e. Multinomial with one sample) probability distribution.
Inputs are the categorical probabilities of the distribution : p[1], p[2], ..., p[k]
These are usually the output of a SoftMax.
For n
categories, both the input
and output
ares of size batchSize x n
During training, outputs are samples drawn from this distribution.
The outputs are returned in one-hot encoding i.e.
the output for each example has exactly one category having a 1, while the remainder are zero.
During evaluation, when stochastic=false
, outputs are the same as the inputs, i.e. the probabilities p
Uses the REINFORCE algorithm (ref. A) which is
implemented through the reinforce interface (gradOutputs
are ignored).
Given the following variables :
: categorical probability mass functionx
: the sampled indices (one per sample) (self.output
is the one-hot encoding of these indices)p
: probability vector (p[1], p[2], ..., p[k]
) (input
the derivative of log categorical w.r.t. probability vector p
is :
d ln(f(x,p)) 1/p[i] if i = x
------------ =
d p 0 otherwise
<a name='nn.VRClassReward'></a>
Ref A. Simple Statistical Gradient-Following Algorithms for Connectionist Reinforcement Learning
This Reward criterion implements the REINFORCE algoritm (ref. A) for classification models. Specifically, it is a Variance Reduces (VR) classification reinforcement leanring (reward-based) criterion.
vcr = nn.VRClassReward(module [, scale, criterion])
While it conforms to the Criterion interface (which it inherits),
it does not backpropagate gradients (except for the baseline b
; see below).
Instead, a reward
is broadcast to the module
via the reinforce method.
The criterion implements the following formula :
reward = a*(R - b)
where a
is the alpha described in Ref. A, i.e. a reward scale
(defaults to 1),
is the raw reward (0 for incorrect and 1 for correct classification),
and b
is the baseline reward, which is often taken to be the expected raw reward R
The target
of the criterion is a tensor of class indices.
The input
to the criterion is a table {y,b}
where y
is the probability
(or log-probability) of classes (usually the output of a SoftMax),
and b
is the baseline reward discussed above.
For each example, if argmax(y)
is equal to the target
class, the raw reward R = 1
, otherwize R = 0
As for b
, its gradInputs
are obtained from the criterion
, which defaults to MSECriterion
The criterion
's target is the commensurate raw reward R
Using a*(R-b)
instead of a*R
to obtain a reward
is what makes this class variance reduced (VR).
By reducing the variance, the training can converge faster (Ref. A).
The predicted b
can be nothing more than the expectation E(R)
Note : for RNNs with R = 1 for last step in sequence, encapsulate it
in nn.ModuleCriterion(VRClassReward, nn.SelectTable(-1))
For an example, this criterion is used along with the RecurrentAttention module to train a recurrent model for visual attention.
<a name='nn.BinaryClassReward'></a>
bcr = nn.BinaryClassReward(module [, scale, criterion])
This module implements VRClassReward for binary classification problems.
So basically, the input
is still a table of two tensors.
The first input tensor is of size batchsize
containing Bernoulli probabilities.
The second input tensor is the baseline prediction described in VRClassReward
The targets contain zeros and ones.
<a name='nn.BLR'></a>
Ref A. Learning to Segment Object Candidates This criterion implements the score criterion mentioned in (ref. A).
criterion = nn.BinaryLogisticRegression()
BinaryLogisticRegression implements following cost function for binary classification.
log( 1 + exp( -y_k * score(x_k) ) )
where y_k
is binary target score(x_k)
is the corresponding prediction. y_k
has value {-1, +1}
and score(x_k)
has value in [-1, +1]
<a name='nn.SpatialBLR'></a>
Ref A. Learning to Segment Object Candidates
This criterion implements the spatial component of the criterion mentioned in (ref. A).
criterion = nn.SpatialBinaryLogisticRegression()
SpatialBinaryLogisticRegression implements following cost function for binary pixel classification.
_______ sum_ij [ log( 1 + exp( -m_ij * f_ij ) ) ]
where m_ij
is target binary image and f_ij
is the corresponding prediction. m_ij
has value {-1, +1}
and f_ij
has value in [-1, +1]