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.NET Assembly Info Shell-Extension for Windows

A shell-extension (property sheet) that shows info about .NET assemblies on the file properties.

🖼️ Screenshots

📝 Requirements

🤖 Getting Started

Download the latest release by clicking here.

After you have installed the shell-extension, do right click on a .dll or .exe file (that is built with .NET Framework or .NET Core) to show the file menu, click on the "Properties" option, and finally you will see a tab with name "AssemblyInfo" (see the 'Screenshots' section of this README).

From the tab with name "AssemblyInfo", you can get see the information that this shell-extension can provide, also, you can use the button with name "Export" to generate a report like in this example:

C:\WinExe (AnyCPU, Prefer 32-Bit).exe
File Name          : WinExe (AnyCPU, Prefer 32-Bit).exe
Original Name      : WinForms Test Assembly.exe
Product Name       : WinForms Test Assembly (Any CPU)
Product Description: WinForms Test Assembly
Company Name       : ElektroStudios
Copyright          : Copyright © Elektro Studios 2018
File Version       :
Product Version    :
Language           : English (United States) (en-US)
PE File Kind             : Window application (GUI)
Platform                 : Any CPU ( Prefer 32-bit )
Build Configuration      : Release
CLR Version              : 4.0.30319
Target .NET Framework    : 4.6.1
Entry-Point Address      : 0x1810A
Root Namespace           : WinForms_Test_Assembly
Is Strong-Name Signed    : Yes
Public Key Token         : 33C6CD5B1C922286
Security Permission      : RequestMinimum
Dll Import Search Paths  : ApplicationDirectory, System32
Is CLS Compliant         : Yes
Is COM Visible           : Yes
Is DPI Awareness Disabled: No
Is Installed in GAC      : No
GAC Name                 : (null)
GAC Path                 : (null)
Assembly GUID        : B9ADB13A-BC56-4615-8213-9A055D0B1F0F
Compilation TimeStamp: 05/November/2018 00:00:31
MD5 Hash             : 2513EEE50A84E736693982FA0BB40CA9
SHA-1 Hash           : 618F35E78A58E8DFBD20FC28EA91D84FC126E8D0
SHA-256 Hash         : 4BF3FF7B98819C9F1FB0B9C260BCF210A119C1B63CC328BF8CD3D8544FF447B5

🔄 Change Log

Explore the complete list of changes, bug fixes, and improvements across different releases by clicking here.

🏆 Credits

This work relies on the following technologies and libraries:

⚠️ Disclaimer:

This Work (the repository and the content provided in) is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the Work or the use or other dealings in the Work.

This Work has no affiliation, approval or endorsement by the author(s) of the third-party libraries used by this Work.

💪 Contributing

Your contribution is highly appreciated!. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or encounter issues, feel free to open an issue by clicking here.

Your input helps make this Work better for everyone. Thank you for your support! 🚀

💰 Beyond Contribution

This work is distributed for educational purposes and without any profit motive. However, if you find value in my efforts and wish to support and motivate my ongoing work, you may consider contributing financially through the following options:


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