

CatSniffer Software Tools

Here you will find all the tools supported by Electronic Cats and PWNLab associated to Catsniffer you can find more information in the Catsniffer Wiki about ussage.


Wiki and Getting Started

Getting Started in our Wiki


Firmware Repository

All Catsniffer Firmware has been moved to a different repository, to have a better version control, and issue tracking you will find it here:


All catsniffer versions are supported in this repository, you will need to check what version you own and select the proper branch to develop or release for just program your board.

Hardware Repository

All Catsniffer Hardware has been moved to a different repository, to have a better version control, and issue tracking you will find it here:



<img width="1354" alt="image" src="https://github.com/ElectronicCats/CatSniffer-Tools/assets/15166625/f3d1a1a2-caf5-496f-bc4d-8c7614c8af62">

How to contribute <img src="https://electroniccats.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/fav.png" height="35"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gist/ManulMax/2d20af60d709805c55fd784ca7cba4b9/raw/bcfeac7604f674ace63623106eb8bb8471d844a6/github.gif" height="30">

Contributions are welcome!

Please read the document Contribution Manual which will show you how to contribute your changes to the project.

✨ Thanks to all our contributors! ✨

See Electronic Cats CLA for more information.

See the community code of conduct for a vision of the community we want to build and what we expect from it.