

XFORMAL: A Benchmark for Multilingual Formality Style Transfer

A description of the XFORMAL corpus can be found in our NAACL 2021 paper “Olá, Bonjour, Salve! XFORMAL: A Benchmark for Multilingual Formality Style Transfer”: https://aclanthology.org/2021.naacl-main.256.pdf https://arxiv.org/pdf/2104.04108.pdf

For any questions, please contact Eleftheria Briakou (ebriakou@cs.umd.edu) and Joel Tetreault (tetreaul@gmail.com).

Obtaining XFORMAL

The XFORMAL corpus was created using the Yahoo Answers corpus: L6 - Yahoo! Answers Comprehensive Questions and Answers version 1.0. Access to XFORMAL requires users to first gain access to L6 via Yahoo Webscope. Once you have obtained access, please forward the acknowledgement (forward the approval email or screenshot the download page) to Joel Tetreault (tetreaul@gmail.com), along with your affiliation and a short description of how you will be using the data, and we will email the XFORMAL dataset.

Please note that the XFORMAL set is 22MB which may be too large for many email clients.

The XFORMAL dataset contains the following subdirectories. Note the mturk and rule_based portions can also be downloaded from this repository above.

Referencing XFORMAL

When making use of the corpus, scripts, translations or mturk templates, please cite our paper with the following bib file: https://aclanthology.org/2021.naacl-main.256.bib