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The missing part of Sealed Secrets. :closed_lock_with_key:


kubeseal-convert aims to reduce the friction of importing secrets from a pre-existing secret management systems (e.g. Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, etc..) into a SealedSecret.
Instead of:

  1. Going into AWS Secret Manager
  2. Retrieve the secret who needs to be migrated
  3. Create a "normal" k8s secret
  4. Fill out the values on the secret
  5. Run kubeseal

Just run kubeseal-convert with the secret path.

Table of Contents

Flags & Options

Same as the kubeseal command, kubeseal-convert is un-opinionated. It won't commit the secret to Git, apply it to the cluster, or save it on a specific path.
The SealedSecret will be printed to STDOUT. You can run it as is, as part of CI, or as part of a Job.

./kubeseal-convert <SECRETS_STORE> <PATH> --namespace <NS_NAME> --name <SECRET_NAME>


-n, --nameThe Sealed Secret name.Vstring
--namespaceThe Sealed Secret namespace. If not specified, taken from k8s context.string
-a, --annotationsSets k8s annotations. KV pairs, comma separated.[]string
-l, --labelsSets k8s labels. KV pairs, comma separated.[]string
--rawUse Kubeseal raw mode.bool
-t, --timeoutSet timeout to the secret fetch. Default: 30int
-d, --debugRun in debug mode.bool
-h, --helpDisplay help.none
-v, --versionDisplay version.none

Supported SM Systems

:white_check_mark: AWS Secrets Manager
:white_check_mark: Hashicorp Vault
:white_check_mark: Azure Key Vault - Contributed by @kroonprins
:white_check_mark: Google Secrets Manager

AWS Secrets Manager

The AWS client rely on AWS local configuration variables - config file, environment variables, etc.

Hashicorp Vault

In order to work with the Vault provider, two environment variables needs to be set - VAULT_TOKEN and VAULT_ADDR.
Currently, only kv-v2 is supported.

Azure Key Vault

The <SECRETS_STORE> should contain the vault name from the vault full uri https://<SECRETS_STORE>.vault.azure.net. Authentication to the vault happens either via environment variables, managed identity, or via the az cli (az login).

GCP Secrets Manager

It's highly recommended to use the full secret format: projects/<PROJECT_ID>/secrets/<SECRET_NAME>/versions/<VERSION> If not, kubeseal-convert will try to extract the project ID from the default credentials chain, and will use the latest version of the secret.

Build from source


Building Steps

  1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/EladLeev/kubeseal-convert && cd kubeseal-convert
  1. Build using Makefile
make build
  1. [optional] Set up local env for testing
make init-dev
  1. [optional] Run the example


./kubeseal-convert sm MyTestSecret --namespace test-ns --name test-secret --annotations converted-by=kubeseal-convert,env=dev --labels test=abc > secret.yaml


./kubeseal-convert vlt "mydomain/data/MyTestSecret" --namespace test-ns --name test-secret --annotations converted-by=kubeseal-convert,src=vault --labels test=abc > secret.yaml

This will:

  1. Retrieve a secret called MyTestSecret from AWS Secrets Manager / Hashicorp Vault
  2. Create it on test-ns namespace
  3. Call it test-secret
  4. Add few annotations and labels
  5. Save it as secret.yaml to be push to the repo safely

Raw Mode

kubeseal-convert supports kubeseal raw mode, although it is an experimental feature on the SealedSecret project.
In this mode, kubeseal-convert will fetch the secret from the external system, seal it using the raw mode, and will output to STDOUT. It's your responsibility to put it inside a SealedSecret resource.

./kubeseal-convert --raw gcpsecretsmanager 'projects/123456789/secrets/myCoolSecret/versions/1' --namespace default --name test-secret


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details of submitting a pull requests.


This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details.