


ripe-atlas is a minimalistic API wrapper for the RIPE Atlas API. It is written entirely in Ruby.

At the current state of development, you can:


gem install ripe-atlas

Congratulations, now you can use the ripe-atlas gem!


To use the gem, you should require it first:

require 'ripe-atlas'

Then you should create a client. You can pass an API key:

client = Atlas::Client.new "1234-1234-1234-1234"

Now, you should be able to do some magic with your freshly initialized client:

Getting Atlas probes

To get RIPE Atlas probes, you can use #get_probes.

client.get_probes({:id => 333})

To get a list of all parameters, visit this site: https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/rest/#probe

Getting measurements

To get measurement objects, you can use #get_measurements.

client.get_measurements({:status => 3})

List of all parameters: https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/rest/#measurement

Stopping measurements



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