

Mage-OS Database Changelog Generator

Connects to MySQL as a replication service and aggregates updates into database tables into easy to use event aggregates like this:


Application has the following configuration file structure in both JSON and TOML formats:

Here is an example of minimal configuration in JSON:

  "database": "magento2",
  "connection": "mysql://root:root@"

Usage examples

Each command requires config file with MySQL connection details

Binlog Position

Print current position of binlog in the database. Can be used to establish initial sync point for changelog to work from.

database-changelog --config ./config.json position

Dump Binlog Since Position in JSON

Dumps current binlog since provided position in arguments as JSON event lines. It is good for human-readable inspection of the data.

database-changelog --config ./config.json dump <FILE> <POSITION>

Dump Binlog Since Position in Binary

Dumps current binlog since provided position in arguments as binary event stream (mspack). Works best for processing by another application as serialization and deserialization is much faster.

database-changelog --config ./config.json dump <FILE> <POSITION>


Dev Build

To build own binary you should have Rust toolchain. At the moment project relies on unstable feature in nightly rust that is going to be stabilized this July, so in the mean time you have to use nightly build of rust.

To get a working binary just run the following:

cargo build --release
cp target/release/database-changelog ./to/your/path/

