

blacklist_plguin for theblacklist contract


blacklist_plguin is built to faciliate BPs' blacklist managing job. its built on top of theblacklist contract, for those who dont know, check it out: https://github.com/eoslaomao/theblacklist

This plugin offers two APIs:



1. check_hash API

When you call check_hash api, the following things will happen:

  1. Fetch actor-blacklist you configured, and calculate a hash of it, save it to local_hash.
  2. Fetch actor-blacklist from theblacklist contract onchain, and calculate a hash of it, save it to ecaf_hash.
  3. Fetch producerjson table data from theblacklist contract onchain, try to find the hash you(BP) have submitted to theblacklist contract, submitted_hash.

then the API output these hashes to you:

curl http://localhost:8888/v1/blacklist/check_hash -w "\n"

  "msg":"local/submitted/eacf hash should all match!"

2. submit_hash API

When you call submit_hash api, it will simply submit your local_hash to theblacklist contract via sethash action. One thing you should notice is that, you should be a registered BP first in order to call submit_hash, otherwise, it will fail.

curl http://localhost:8873/v1/blacklist/submit_hash -w "\n"


curl http://localhost:8888/v1/blacklist/check_hash -w "\n"


We hope by using this plugin, your BP life will get a little bit easier :)

Installation guide

In order to use it, you have to build it along with nodeos

Build plugin

  1. cd to eos source code dir, and clone this plugin
cd <eos-source-dir>/plugins
git clone https://github.com/EOSLaoMao/blacklist_plugin.git
  1. Add blacklist_plugin to plugin CMakeLists file <eos-source-dir>/plugins/CMakeLists.txt:
  1. Add blacklist_plugin to nodeos CMakeLists file <eos-source-dir>/programs/nodeos/CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries( ${NODE_EXECUTABLE_NAME} PRIVATE -Wl,${whole_archive_flag} blacklist_plugin -Wl,${no_whole_archive_flag})
  1. Build nodeos.

Setup permissions

You should use a dedicated key for sethash action instead of using active permission of your BP account.

cleos set account permission BP_ACCOUNT PERMISSION_NAME '{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"BLACKLIST_PUB_KEY","weight":1}]}' "active" -p BP_ACCOUNT@active
cleos set action permission BP_ACCOUNT theblacklist sethash PERMISSION_NAME -p BP_ACCOUNT@active

Add blacklist_plugin in config.ini, replace BLACKLIST_PUB_KEY BLACKLIST_PRIVATE_KEY and PERMISSION_NAME accordingly

plugin = eosio::blacklist_plugin
blacklist-signature-provider = ${BLACKLIST_PUB_KEY}=KEY:${BLACKLIST_PRIVATE_KEY}
blacklist-contract = theblacklist
blacklist-permission = PERMISSION_NAME

Check plugin status

You should see logs about blacklis_plugin after you successfully started your nodeos, similar as:

2018-09-16T14:55:32.777 thread-0   blacklist_plugin.cpp:303      plugin_startup       ] starting blacklist_plugin
2018-09-16T14:55:32.778 thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:447           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/blacklist/check_hash
2018-09-16T14:55:32.778 thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:447           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/blacklist/submit_hash
2018-09-16T14:55:32.778 thread-0   blacklist_plugin.cpp:311      plugin_startup       ] local actor blacklist hash:     59f92ca61b2a4763b2e036970c2512646b44040e3c49d926f2e3a22e0a70fdf2

Feedback & development


Add support for other types of blacklist/whitelist

Built with Love by EOSLaoMao Team, peace :)