

demux-js Build Status

Demux is a backend infrastructure pattern for sourcing blockchain events to deterministically update queryable datastores and trigger side effects. This library serves as a reference implementation of that pattern for use with Node applications.


# Using yarn
yarn add demux

# Using npm
npm install demux --save


Taking inspiration from the Flux Architecture pattern and Redux, Demux was born out of the following qualifications:

  1. A separation of concerns between how state exists on the blockchain and how it is queried by the client front-end
  2. Client front-end not solely responsible for determining derived, reduced, and/or accumulated state
  3. Ability for blockchain events to trigger new transactions, as well as other side effects outside of the blockchain
  4. The blockchain as the single source of truth for all application state

Separated Persistence Layer

Storing data in indexed state on blockchains can be useful for three reasons: decentralized consensus of computation results, usage of state from within other blockchain computations, and for retrieval of state for use in client front-ends. When building more complicated front-ends, you run into a few problems when retrieving directly from indexed blockchain state:

Demux solves these problems by off-loading queries to any persistence layer that you want. As blockchain events happen, your chosen persistence layer is updated by updater functions, which deterministically process an array of Action objects. The persistence layer can then be queried by your front-end through a suitable API (for example, REST or GraphQL).

This means that we can separate our concerns: for data that needs decentralized consensus of computation or access from other blockchain events, we can still store the data in indexed blockchain state, without having to worry about tailoring to front-end queries. For data required by our front-end, we can pre-process and index data in a way that makes it easy for it to be queried, in a horizontally scalable persistence layer of our choice. The end result is that both systems can serve their purpose more effectively.

Side Effects

Since we have a system for acting upon specific blockchain events deterministically, we can utilize this system to manage non-deterministic events as well. These effect functions work almost exactly the same as updater functions, except they run asynchronously, are not run during replays, and modifying the deterministic datastore is off-limits. Examples include: signing and broadcasting a transaction, sending an email, and initiating a traditional fiat payment.

Single Source of Truth

There are other solutions to the above problems that involve legacy persistence layers that are their own sources of truth. By deriving all state from the blockchain, however, we gain the following benefits:

Data Flow

<img src='https://i.imgur.com/MFfGOe3.png' height='492' alt='Demux Logo' />
  1. Client sends transaction to blockchain
  2. Action Watcher invokes Action Reader to check for new blocks
  3. Action Reader sees transaction in new block, parses actions
  4. Action Watcher sends actions to Action Handler
  5. Action Handler processes actions through Updaters and Effects
  6. Actions run their corresponding Updaters, updating the state of the Datastore
  7. Actions run their corresponding Effects, triggering external events
  8. Client queries API for updated data

Class Implementations

EOSIO / demux-js-eos *Action Reader implementations for EOSIO blockchains
EOSIO / demux-js-postgres *Action Handler implementation for Postgres databases
Zapata / demux-js-bitsharesAction Reader implementations for BitShares blockchain

* Officially supported by Block.one

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This library provides the following classes:

In order to process actions, we need the following things:

After we have these things, we need to:


const { BaseActionWatcher, ExpressActionWatcher } = require("demux")
const { MyActionReader } = require("./MyActionReader")
const { MyActionHandler } = require("./MyActionHandler")
const { handlerVersions } = require("./handlerVersions")
const { readerConfig, handlerConfig, pollInterval, portNumber } = require("./config")

const actionReader = new MyActionReader(readerConfig)
const actioHandler = new MyActionHandler(handlerVersions, handlerConfig)

Then, either

const watcher = new BaseActionWatcher(



const expressWatcher = new ExpressActionWatcher(


// You can then make a POST request to `/start` on your configured endpoint

API documentation

Learn from a full example